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Chapter 5 Conflicts in the Colonies

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1 Chapter 5 Conflicts in the Colonies
Page 122

2 Section 1: Trouble on the Frontier
Describe relations between English Colonist and American Indians Analyze why French and English often at war Explain how the French and Indian War affected the British Colonies

3 A. Relations with the American Indians
Metacomet- English called him King Phillip- leader of Wampanoag Indians in New England King Phillips War- conflict between Natives and settlers Militia Ended in Native defeat- 3,000 Natives dead to 600 colonist

4 B. Trade Alliances Natives usually allied with trading partners
French- Algonquian and Huron English- Iroquois French usually had a better relationship with Natives

5 C. Conflicts With France
French and Enlgish had long history of fighting King Williams War 1689 Queen Anne’s War 1702 King George’s War 1740 Both had claims to Ohio river valley French Built forts in Ohio valley Claimed by Virginia Sent George Washington to negotiate French said would not go

6 D. French and Indian War Advantages Albany Plan of Union- French
Central Govt Forts Many Native Allies 6,600 well trained troops English Larger population Superior navy Stronger economy Albany Plan of Union-

7 E. Fighting Fort Necessity- Washington builds Fort Necessity- defeated by French. First battle of larger 7 years Called French and Indian War in colonies General Braddock’s defeat- attacked Fort Duqesne- surrounded and defeated by French

8 E. Fighting cont. British lost most major battles early in War
William Pitt- becomes Prime Minister of England Pours money into the war British take Fort Duquesne- rename it Fort Pitt British capture Quebec- capital of French Canada Treaty of Paris- French surrender their North American colonies

9 Section 2: Consequences of the French and Indian War
Explain why colonist expanded into Frontier Identify the causes of Pontiac’s rebellion Describe the Proclamation of 1763

10 A. The Frontier Settlers eventually moved from cost into backcountry-region between coast and Appalachian Pioneers- first settlers Frontier shifted westward as regions filled up Eventually many settlers began moving West of Appalachians Tensions between settlers and Natives increased

11 B. Pontiac’s Rebellion Natives began following leader Chief Pontiac and Native known as Delaware Prophet Called for war against settlers Led attacks on British forts British tired of conflicts with the natives Proclamation of banned colonist from settling past the mountains Difficult to enforce Ticked off the colonist

12 Section 3: Trouble over Taxes
Explain why Great Britain passed new taxes on colonist Explain why colonist disliked new taxes Analyze the ways that colonist challenged the new taxes

13 A. Raising Revenue Britain had to pay for war Enacted New Taxes
Sugar Act- tax on sugar and molasses Currency Act- banned colony from printing and paying with paper money Created problems Cracked down on Smugglers Searched ships for illegal goods Smugglers guilty until proven innocent in new British courts

14 B. Taxation without Representation
Colonist used to governing themselves No representation in parliament James Otis- no taxation without representation Committees of Correspondence- passed info on taxes and how to challenge them around the colonies Started bring colonies together Boycott-

15 C. Stamp Act Stamp Act- required tax on paper items like newspapers, pamhlets, licenses, legal documents, and playing cards PM Grenville still felt colonist should help pay for cost of war In response- colonist formed Son of Liberty Intimidated tax collectors Organized protests Pressure forced Parliament to repeal the act Did pass Declaratory Act-

16 Section 4: New Taxes and Tensions
Describe colonists reactions to Townshend Acts Analyze the Boston Massacre Explain the purpose of the Intolerable Acts

17 A. Townshend Acts 1767 Parliament passed Townshend Acts
Tax on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea Writs of Assistance- allowed British officials to search homes and warehouses Colonist once again boycotted Daughters of Liberty

18 B. Boston Samuel Adams spreading discontent in Boston
British seized Liberty John Hancock’s ship British sent troops to Boston to calm the unrest March 5th, 1770, five civilians killed by British soldiers Bostonians referred to incident as Boston Massacre Propaganda to help turn people’s opinions against British Soldiers put on trial- defended by John Adams Acquitted

19 C. Tax on Tea Parliament repealed all taxes except on Tea Tea Act
Colonist still hated it Boston Tea Party- Sons of Liberty threw 90,000 lbs of tea into ocean

20 D. Intolerable Acts Boston had to be punished
Parliament enacted Coercive Acts- called intolerable acts by colonist Closed the harbor Canceled Massachusetts charter Trials of royal officials moved to Britain Quartering Act- required colonist to house and supply British soldiers General Thomas Gage installed as governor

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