Codes and conventions of a newspaper

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Presentation on theme: "Codes and conventions of a newspaper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Codes and conventions of a newspaper

2 Layout elements 1) White spaces 2) Margins and gutters 3) Frames
Area of the page not covered with any ink such as text, images etc and is left blank. 2) Margins and gutters Lines set to prevent text over lapping and aligning the text within the space so that its not cut out when printing. 3) Frames Shapes outlining parts of text such as stories or columns, this is to separate each text frame from the other. 4) Columns Each Text frames consisting of articles etc are called columns

3 Visual elements 1) Masthead 2) Images 3) Graphics 4) Headlines
The name of the newspaper placed in the header of the front page (eg: The nation , the dawn etc) 2) Images Mainly the most attractive feature of any print. In newspaper it is related to the article in such a way that it synopsize it for a first glance 3) Graphics Charts, Maps, diagrams etc. Especially used for stats and facts 4) Headlines The largest size text at the top of the newspaper on the front page it has the most important news in the entire newspaper.

4 Visual elements 5) Sub headings 6) Captions 7) Side bars 8) Decks
Short line found just below the main headline in a much smaller font related to the headline itself. 6) Captions The title of the image or an article that is printed in the newspaper 7) Side bars Smaller facts or articles in a list form at either side of the paper. 8) Decks Short text summarizing the articles

5 Visual elements 9) Pull quotes 10) By line 11) Initial caps/drop caps
Most interesting quotes from within the related article are extracted and written in lager font than the text to make it most prominent and is place just before the paragraph or line where the quote actually is written 10) By line Name of the author placed above his/her storyline /columns. 11) Initial caps/drop caps A large capital letter used at the beginning of the first story of the newspaper. 12) Adverts Paid advertisements printed. New products, promotions, sales everything can be advertised

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