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Documents that Impacted the Enlightenment

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1 Documents that Impacted the Enlightenment

2 Let’s get rid of old Medieval Ideas!
The Enlightenment New Ways of Thinking Scientific Revolution spurs rethinking of many ideas Apply reason and natural law Leads to the Enlightenment A movement stressing reason and thought

3 Reading of Voltaire’s “L’orphelin de la Chine” (The Orphan of China) at Madame Geoffin’s house. By Anicet-Charles Lemonnier, 1755.

4 Background: The Magna Carta
King John of England badly damaged the reputation between Kings and Lords/Nobles Lords/Nobles rebelled and forced the King to sign the Magna Carta The Magna Carta was designed to limited the power of the King Contract between the King and nobles Respect for individual rights and liberties No taxes without consent Right to trial by Jury King had to follow the rule of law, not just what he wanted.




8 Comparing with U.S. Bill of Rights
Magna Carta, 1215 U.S. Bill of Rights, 1791 “No free man shall be imprisoned except by legal judgment of his peers” “A freeman shall not have a odd sentence for a minor offense.” “No king shall take the horses or wagons of any man” Amendment #6 – Right to trial by jury Amendment #8 – No unusual fines/sentences Amendment #2 – No government shall take your right to own a firearm

9 The Magna Carta The Philosophers who took ideas from this document:
Voltaire Individual Liberties Locke Social Contract between the people and the government Montesquieu Separation of powers

10 The Glorious Revolution
Which Philosopher influenced this event? Locke Unjust rulers can be overthrown Voltaire Freedom of Religion

11 The Glorious Revolution
King James used his Catholicism to rule Parliament protested, so the king broke them apart Parliament, the kings daughter and her husband William, overthrow King James for the sake of the Church of England (Protestantism) The bloodless overthrow of King James II. Led to the English Bill of Rights

12 The English Bill of Rights
England became a Constitutional Monarchy Laws limited the ruler’s power English Bill of Rights Clear limits on royal power No suspending laws No taxes without consent from parliament No banning freedom of speech Citizens can petition the King

13 The English Bill of Rights
Which Philosopher influenced this event? Locke Government gets power from the people Voltaire Freedom of Thought (speech) Montesquieu Government needs to be controlled Separation of Powers

14 Stop here, rest of docs are on Amer. Rev. ppt.

15 Declaration of Independence
Colonists were upset about treatment by the King George Taxation without Representation Wanted same rights as British Restrictions on Trade Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson Reasons why Colonists can break away from Britain because of abused power King had broken the Social Contract Leads to the American Revolution Colonists break away from Britain and form the United States

16 Declaration of Independence
Which Philosopher influenced this document? Locke Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, Property Government gets power from the people If unjust ruler, people can overthrow

17 Declaration of Independence shows the drafting committee presenting its work to the Congress. By John Trumbull, 1819.

18 The Constitution The framework for the American Government
Written by James Madison – father of the Constitution The Federal System – power shared between federal and state governments Three Branches – Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Checks and Balances - to keep from having too much power Example: president vetoing a law Bill of Rights – protect individual rights of citizens

19 The Constitution Which Philosophers influenced this document? Locke
Power comes from the People Representative democracy Limits government powers Montesquieu Separation of Powers Three Branches Checks and Balances Federal System (balance between state and national governments) Rousseau Direct Democracy Public elections

20 Bill of Rights The first 10 amendments to the constitution
Protected the basic rights of individual citizens Speech, Religion, Press, Petition, Assembly Own a Gun No Housing of Troops No Search and Seizure (without a warrant) Due Process Rights in Criminal Cases Rights in Civil Cases No Cruel or Unusual Punishment Rights of the People Rights of the State

21 Which Philosophers influenced this document?
Locke Power comes from the People Limits government powers Voltaire Freedom speech, religion Rousseau Individual freedoms Beccaria Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech No Torture

22 Legacy of the Enlightenment
Role of Philosophes Not activists, but inspire major revolutions Belief in Progress Scientific breakthroughs show ability to improve society More Secular Outlook New knowledge leads people to question religion Criticism of Christianity Importance of the Individual More emphasis on rights and abilities Reason becomes main concept or philosophers, rulers

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