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Creative Story Activity

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1 Creative Story Activity
Othello Pre-Reading Activity Honors English 10 – Quarter 2

2 Major Themes within Othello
Love – an intense feeling of deep affection Appearance vs. Reality – what something might appear to be may not be actual reality Jealousy – feeling or showing envy of someone Prejudice – preconceived judgement toward someone without having a rational reason COPY THESE TERMS DOWN ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER.

3 Now, time to be creative…
You are going to create your own short story that deals with love, appearance vs. reality, jealously and prejudice. You have to include all 4 themes, since we will see all 4 themes in Othello. This is not a prediction assignment, where you will tell me what you think Othello will be about. This is your own story, created from your mind, dealing with these 4 themes. There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1 will be individual and Part 2 will be completed in groups.

4 Individual Assignment – Part 1
Before we create an entire story, we need to brainstorm. Use the time given to come up with at least 3 ideas for a story. Remember, this is not a prediction assignment. It is a creative story. You can be realistic, unrealistic, funny, serious, dramatic, etc. There are no rules, expect that it needs to be school appropriate  Only brainstorm, do not start writing an actually story within this time. Trust me, you will be disappointed if you do! You all have 15 minutes to complete this individual assignment before we move on to Part 2.

5 Group Assignment – Part 2
You will now get into groups that I have assigned you to in order to complete part 2. Share with your group what you brainstormed and than as a whole group, choose the one that you all liked the best. This will be your story. Select one writer (writer should not be doing all the work, all other group members should be participating in telling him or her what to write). The story needs to be at least 5 paragraphs (5-7 sentences per paragraph) and have an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. You have the rest of the hour to complete, once completed make sure all names are on the story and select one group member to hold on to it until Monday. We will share our stories then 

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