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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomy

2 Taxonomy: The classification of living organisms

3 Initially, there were only 2 Kingdoms:
Plants Animals

4 The Six Kingdoms… There are now 6 kingdoms. They are:
Archaebacteria (bacteria in extreme env.) Eubacteria (Streptococci ) Protists (ameba, paramecium, euglena) Fungi (lichens, yeast, mold, mushrooms) Plants (grasses, trees, flowers) Animals (fish, birds, dogs, humans)


6 Monera


8 Kingdom Archeabacteria
Unicellular (single cell) Prokaryotic (no nucleus) Found in extreme environments

9 Kingdom Eubacteria Unicellular (single cell) Prokaryotic (no nucleus)
These bacteria are found almost anywhere Ex: Streptococci bacteria causes Strep


11 Protists

12 Kingdom Protists Unicellular (single cell) Eukaryotic (has nucleus)
Some are motile (able to move) Ex: Ameba, paramecium, euglena

13 Ameba

14 Paramecium

15 Fungi

16 Kingdom Fungi Multicellular (has many cells) Eukaryotic (has nucleus)
Have cell walls but CANNOT make own food Ex: lichens, yeast, mold, mushrooms

17 Lichens

18 Mold

19 Moldy Room

20 Yeast

21 Plants

22 Plant Kingdom Multicellular Eukaryotic Make food by photosynthesis

23 Animals

24 Animal Kingdom Multicellular Eukaryotic
Obtain food mostly by ingestion Motile

25 Game: Guess that Kingdom!

26 You are UNICELLULAR, PROKARYOTIC, and found anywhere.
Kingdom Eubacteria

Plant Kingdom

28 Classification Categories

29 Classification Categories:
The 6 kingdoms are very broad and general categories. For example, think about how many different types of animals there are, from fish to birds, to insects to elephants to humans. To help organize these variations, the 6 kingdoms were subdivided into more specific categories.

30 The Classification Categories are:
King Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Phillip Came Over For Great Sandwiches

31 How to Classify Humans

32 Kingdom What kingdom do humans belong to? Animal
This is the largest and most general unit of classification


34 Phylum What phylum do humans belong to? Chordata All chordates have a dorsal (back) nerve cord, paired gill slits at one point in development, a tail extending beyond the anus, and a cranium that protects the brain Ex: Humans, sharks, dogs, frogs, monkeys


36 Class What class do humans belong to? Mammalia (mammals)
Characteristics: Hair on body Give birth to live young Warm blooded 4-chambered heart Females have mammary glands Most live on land (except whales and dolphins


38 Order What order do humans belong to? Primates
These organisms are more similar than those of the same class


40 Family What family do humans belong to? Hominid
These animals share a very close similarity Most will have same feeding habits, behaviors, and general functions Ex: The cat family – all have whiskers, sharp claws


42 Genus What genus do humans belong to? Homo
                                                                             Genus What genus do humans belong to? Homo Ex: Homo erectus, Homo sapien These organisms look very similar to each other and may breed with each other


44 Species What species do humans belong to? sapien
This is the most specific unit of classification These individuals can interbreed freely and are most similar to each other


46 Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species

47 Binomial Nomenclature
Every organism has 2 names The first name is the Genus (always Capitalized) The second name is the species (lower case) Both genus and species is italicized or underlined The scientific name for humans therefore is Homo sapien which means “wise man”

48 What is the scientific name for a dog?
The Genus is Canis House pet = Canis familiaris Wolf = Canis lupus Coyote = Canis latrans

49 What is the scientific name for a cat?
The genus is Felis House pet = Felis domestica Bobcat = Felis rufa Mountain lion = Felis concolor Tiger = Panthera tigris Lion = Panthera leo









58 The End

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