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Health & Biomedicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Health & Biomedicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health & Biomedicine

2 Health 1. What are 3 things people can do to live a healthy lifestyle?
2. What are some potential reasons why people may find it difficult to live a healthy lifestyle? Health

3 Biomedicine Biomedicine: Major benefits include:
Refers to any issue that involves the human body having to adapt or change because of disease, the environment, &/or technology It has lead to improvements in health & longevity Major benefits include: Vaccines for measles & polio, insulin treatment for diabetes, antibiotics, improved treatment for AIDS & cancer, microsurgery Biomedicine

4 Cells contain DNA—the hereditary material of all living systems.
The genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA and is organized into chromosomes. DNA contains genes whose sequence specifies how and when to build proteins. Proteins perform most essential life functions, often working together as molecular machines. DNA Mapping

5 By mapping DNA, researchers hope to find what diseases people may be predisposed to & what medicines would work best for individuals 3. Would you want your DNA mapped? Why or why not? Discuss: Should there be any regulations or laws to mapping individual’s genetic information? DNA Mapping continued

6 4. Would you “design” your baby if you could. (i. e
4. Would you “design” your baby if you could? (i.e. pick gender, hair/eye color, personality, athleticism, intelligence, etc). Why or why not? 5. What could be the downside (long-term implications) of designer babies? Designer Babies

7 Biometrics refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits.
Biometrics is used as a form of identification & access control.  It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. It relies on unique human characteristics - including fingerprints, facial dimensions or the rings and furrows in the colored tissue of the eye - that can verify a person's identity 6. Identify the pros & cons of biometrics Biometrics

8 Biometrics continued Discuss:
Are there limits to using technology to track &/or identify people? When does technological tracking begin to infringe on privacy, if ever? Are biometrics tamperproof? (i.e. can you get around them)? Biometrics continued

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