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Frida Kahlo.

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Presentation on theme: "Frida Kahlo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frida Kahlo

2 Childhood Born 1907 in Mexico, where her German father met her mother.
3 sisters = Matilde, Adriana, Cristina Contracted polio at age 6. Bedridden 9 months, damaged leg caused her to limp for remainder of life.

3 Trauma Was in serious accident at age 19 when streetcar hit bus
Impaled by steel handrail Suffered many severe injuries which caused her to be in pain remainder of life

4 Rocky Marriage Met and married Diego Rivera, famous muralist
Traveled to Europe, where they were celebrities Many infidelities led to divorce, but they remarried.

5 A Life Cut Short Age 43, had gangrene in right foot. Leg was amputated. Attended her art exhibit in ambulance and greeted attendees from bed. Continuous health issues led to her death at age 47.

6 Two Fridas

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