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1 Rwanda

2 European Colonialism in Africa Video (Uganda Rising clip)
Brief History Mainly Two Tribes: Hutu: Lower Class (80-85%) Tutsi: Upper Class (10-15%) Colonized by Germany, then Belgium. After independence in 1962, Tutsi monarchy overthrown, many Tutsis flee (Hutu Peasant Revolution). European Colonialism in Africa Video (Uganda Rising clip)

3 Civil War 1988: Tutsi expatriates forced out during the Hutu Peasant Revolution form the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in Uganda. Goal: Securing repatriation of Tutsi refugees and restructuring government. Military Organization, attacks targets inside Rwanda from Uganda. Hutu Power Movement: gained momentum in 1990: Hutu Ten Commandments created. Inside Rwanda, government propaganda against Tutsis and Hutus in minority parties. Radio Rwanda plays significant role in singling out “traitors” and Tutsi leaders. Peace Treaty Agreed in 1993

4 Assassination of Rwandan President
Rwandan President’s plane shot down in Kigali on April 6, 1994 Plane crashes on the the grounds of the presidential palace.

5 Genocide Begins Radio Rwanda quickly placed blame on the RPF and the U.N. peacekeepers, demanding retribution. The Akazu, a hutu extremist group- friends and relatives of the hutu President- coordinate attacks on Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Interahamwe- Youth wing of the Hutu government- mobilized as a militia after the assassination of the president. Armed with machetes, clubs, and a limited number of guns.

6 Genocide “100 days of slaughter”
Between 800,000 and 1 million people are murdered in just over 3 months. Most murdered with machetes by interahamwe, after being discovered to be Tutsi or a “traitor” Hutu. International Community: withdraws European and North American citizens, maintains U.N. force of 270 peacekeepers in the capital. Genocide ends when the RPF overruns the Hutu forces on July 4, 1994. Interahamwe, Hutu government, Hutu civilians all flee into neighboring countries. 2.1 million refugees flee into Zaire (now DRC) and Tanzania, creating the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis.

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