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The Age of Discovery By Mr. Eichmann.

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1 The Age of Discovery By Mr. Eichmann

2 The Search for Eastern Routes
A combination of ships from Venice and land routes through the Silk Road made Italian city-states very powerful and rich. European consumers did not want to pay high prices to Italian merchants. The only option was an all-sea route around Africa to India and China.

3 Advantages of a Sea Route to Asia
Ships could sail day and night Avoid having to pack and unpack goods Only one shipper would profit from the sea voyage, rather than middlemen No taxes and tolls would need to be paid.

4 Disadvantages of a Sea Route to Asia
Never done before by Europeans. Few maps or charts. Little knowledge of wind and currents Would take longer for goods to reach Europe.

5 Portugal Makes the Attempt
In the 1440s, Prince Henry, who became known as Prince Henry the Navigator, takes the lead by…. Creating a school for navigation Inviting chart makers, sailors, shipbuilders, scientists, and inventors to work there. Hiring prospective sailors to go on journeys east Financing these voyages. The Portuguese developed a ship called the caravel, a small vessel that was able to handle the high seas.

6 The Caravel The Portuguese develop a ship called the caravel, a small vessel that was able to handle the high seas.

7 Vasco da Gama 1498- Vasco da Gama becomes the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India.

8 Brazil 1498- Pedro Alvares Cabral, either intentionally or unintentionally, took a far western course in the Atlantic Ocean and landed in the northern part of South America. Colonies were eventually established in what would later named Brazil.

9 Trade Routes Trade routes were established which:
made connections with African civilizations created trade relations with merchants in India.

10 The Portuguese Monopoly on Trade
Wars in the Byzantine Empire, and possibly Portuguese armies, forced the closing of the Silk Road to trade, giving Portugal a monopoly on trade to Asia and making Italy less powerful.

11 Spanish Exploration Seeing Portugal become a rich nation, The Spanish also showed interest in exploring. The Spanish invented the galleon - a ship that is can handle ocean winds better, that can carry more cargo, and that can be defended with decks and cannons.

12 Columbus’s Success Christopher Columbus in 1492 proposes an idea to reach India by sailing west. Kind Ferdinand and Queen Isabella give Columbus three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus finds lands in what is today the West Indies and claims these lands for Spain.

13 Magellan’s Journey Ferdinand Magellan – In 1519, Magellan leads an expedition that eventually circumnavigates the globe.

14 The Spanish Empire Conquistadors (conquerors in Spanish), explore and claim land for Spain. The region becomes known as New Spain. Plantations are built to use slave labor (Native and African Americans) Spain becomes the largest empire in Europe.

15 Trade Between Europe and the Americas
Columbian Exchange – The exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the Old World and the New World Triangular Trade – A transatlantic system in which goods and slaves were transported between Africa, Europe, and the Americas The Middle Passage – the middle portion of the triangular trade route that brought captured Africans to the New World to become slaves.

16 Mercantilism Spain and Portugal used an economic system called mercantilism: a system of government which controls all economic activity in a country and its colonies to make the government stronger and richer

17 Successes of Spain in the Age of Discovery
Succeeded Portugal as largest empire in the world The galleon became the most modern ship for that time Gained naval control of the Atlantic Ocean

18 Failures of Spain in the Age of Discovery
Extended slavery in the Americas Used inhumane methods to conquer native cultures Became dependent on wealth and did not improve life in Spain Empire became to big to manage, causing regions to become independent

19 Reasons for English Involvement in the Age of Discovery
Desire to find natural resources like Spain and Portugal in the New World. Demand for wool leads to the Enclosure Movement-conversion of rural land from farms to pastures for sheep Migrant farmers find themselves unemployed and try to find work in cities. Overpopulation leads to high crime rates, pollution, and other issues in English cities.

20 England Joins The Age of Discovery
Queen Elizabeth I allows “sea dogs” like Sir France Drake to attack Spanish galleons and bring gold to England England’s smaller and faster galleons defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588, making England “the mistress of the seas.”

21 Significant Explorers
John Cabot – Sailed to the eastern coast of Canada and claimed it for England. Henry Hudson – Dutch explorer who sailed for England. Sailed the Hudson River and northern bay of Canada (Hudson Bay) James Cook – Claimed Australia for England in the 1700s.

22 England’s Colonial Empire
England creates their own empire in America. This is done through joint-stock companies who make money by making people pay for their passage to America. Unlike Spain and Portugal, England follows a system of capitalism, an economic system in which individuals and private businesses run most industries

23 Triangular Trade

24 Successes of England in the Age of Discovery
Became dominant sea power in the Atlantic. Established colonies in North America. Solved overpopulation problem by sending citizens to America.

25 Failures of England in the Age of Discovery
Used immoral means to get gold to finance journeys Did not listen to concerns of their colonies Lost colonies in the Revolutionary War

26 France France sends explorers to the Americas and claims lands in middle America and Canada

27 French Explorers An Italian explorer names Giovanni de Verazzano, searched for the northwest passage. Jacques Cartier – Sailed up the St. Lawrence River to where the city of Montreal is today. Samuel de Champlain – Founded first French settlement known as Quebec Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explored the Upper Mississippi River. Robert La Salle – Sailed around the Great Lakes Other explorers sailed down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, up the Missouri River, and to the Rocky Mountains. Al this led to border disputes with England

28 Successes of France in the Age of Discovery
Explored and established colonies in the middle part of North America and Canada. They established fur trade between America and Europe. The French created good relationships with Native Americans.

29 Failures of France in the Age of Discovery
French government not controlling enough of their colonies The French government only allowed people of French decent to inhabit and populate the colonies The French lost their influence in North America when they lost the French and Indian War

30 The Netherlands The Netherlands – also called Holland
The people speak Dutch They became England’s greatest rival because of their being excellent shipbuilders and sailors. Took land near the Hudson River thanks to the explorer Henry Hudson. They called their territory New Netherland and established a colony on an island they called Manhattan. The city on that island was called New Amsterdam, which later became New York. The governor of the colony was named Peter Minuit. He bought the island for knives, beads, and trinkets, although this is a legend

31 The Netherlands The Netherlands uses capitalism and advancements in navigation to create their own empire. Banks and The Dutch East India Company are created to fund exploration, scientific advancements, and colonies in America, Africa, and Asia.

32 Successes of the Netherlands in the Age of Discovery
The Netherlands became the most educated people in Europe The Dutch were successful in maintaining colonies within English territory The Dutch were able to take over Portuguese colonies and trade routes due to a powerful navy

33 Failures of The Netherlands in the Age of Discovery
The Netherlands allowed all different cultures to come to their colonies, causing a disunity and a lack of loyalty Colonial leaders like Peter Minuit and Peter Stuyvesant were too strong willed The Dutch eventually lost control of most of their colonies to the English

34 Positive Results of the Age of Discovery
Europe becomes the dominant continent in the world. Greater trade of goods and ideas occur between continents. The Age of Discovery fueled scientific advancements in navigation, astronomy, and agriculture.

35 Negative Results of the Age of Discovery
The creation of colonies led to rivalries and wars between European nations. European nations mistreated Native Americans and enslaved African-Americans. Farming and wars damaged the environment.

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