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.. . What is Mindset? We can liken the theory of growth and fixed mindset to the story of the tortoise and the hare.

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Presentation on theme: ".. . What is Mindset? We can liken the theory of growth and fixed mindset to the story of the tortoise and the hare."— Presentation transcript:


2 .

3 What is Mindset? We can liken the theory of growth and fixed mindset to the story of the tortoise and the hare.

4 With a fixed mindset one believes that traits such as basic talent and intelligence can’t be worked on or improved at all. They never change.

5 With a growth mindset one believes that through effort, hard work and persistence one can improve.

6 A growth mindset is about believing people can develop their abilities.

7 Anticipation Exercise

8 “It’s not that I’m so smart” once said by Albert Einstein
“It’s not that I’m so smart” once said by Albert Einstein. (agree or disagree)

9 Agree…… (surprisingly)

10 “I loved every minute of training” once said by one of the famous boxers of all time Muhammad Ali (agree or disagree)

11 Disagree…..(surprisingly)


13 What aspect of your MFL did you find difficult?
Think, Pair, Share What aspect of your MFL did you find difficult? 2. What did you do to overcome this difficulty?

14 Where can I find out more about Mindset?
The book; “Mindset” by Dr Carol S. Dweck

15 The book gives insightful stories.
Marina Semyonova a great Russian dance teacher devised a novel way of selecting students. Those more responsive to correction are deemed more worthy. Those with a growth mindset push themselves to keep learning. And they thrive on challenges. P23/24 “Mindset” C.S.Dweck

16 “Perseverance key to children's intellectual growth, Stanford scholar says” Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck APRIL 29, 2015

17 …”when children are praised for…… their hard work, their strategies, their focus, their persistence – then they remain motivated learners.

18 Should leaders (teachers/ parents) praise “failure” as well?

19 Yes and no. On the “yes” side, some failures are good, clean failures
  Yes and no. On the “yes” side, some failures are good, clean failures. Great effort was expended, good strategies were used…. On the “no” side, avoidable failures that result from poor work habits, foreseeable problems or poor teamwork are not in themselves praiseworthy, …..

20 “Perseverance is the key to improvement”. (C.Dweck)

21 The “Growth Mindset” helps foster 3 out of the 8 Key skills in the New Junior Cycle
Managing Myself reflect on my own learning, Managing Information and Thinking Reflecting on and evaluating my learning Staying well Being confident, Being positive about learning…….

22 Which mindset do you have?

23 If a person is somewhat locked into a “Fixed Mindset” …
If a person is somewhat locked into a “Fixed Mindset” ….you can develop a growth mindset if you wish.

24 How?

25 #1. Value hard work, commitment and perseverance and trying out new ways of learning.

26 “In order to become resilient, our students must be made aware of, and experience, the challenges and inevitable setbacks, that language learning entails.” (Gianfranco Conti 2015)

27 #2 Take inspiration from others (role models) who had a growth mindset.



30 When you hear yourself or a student saying… “I can’t do this”.

31 #3. add…..YET

32 #4. Remember other growth mindset phrases.


34 How about succeeding in learning something that you MUST do but you have no desire at all to do it?

35 #5 Take small steps. On a regular basis
#5 Take small steps. On a regular basis. Practice KAISEN (Japanese technique). i.e. Spend one minute per day at your MFL. What is likely to happen?

36 The holy Grail; Full preparation and full effort
The holy Grail; Full preparation and full effort. Coach John Wooden produced one of the greatest championship records in the US. His mantra? Apply yourself every day to the task of becoming a little better each day. Over time you will then become a lot better. P210 Dr. C Dweck Mindset


38 Growth Mindset Ellen Barrett

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