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Abdulla Al Yammahi Specialist, Radiation Safety Inspection

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1 Abdulla Al Yammahi Specialist, Radiation Safety Inspection
Establishment and Maintenance of National Register of Radioactive Sources in UAE Abdulla Al Yammahi Specialist, Radiation Safety Inspection

2 FANR Establishment Article (2) of the Nuclear Law no. 6 of 2009 established the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (“FANR”) as the regulatory body of the UAE Nuclear Sector with independent legal personality, full legal capacity and financial & administrative independence and replace pre-existing sector regulatory bodies. FANR independence: The sole issuer of Licences and regulations to conduct Regulated Activities (Art. 6) Board Members are prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in a Regulated Activity (Art.10) FANR Aims to: Control & supervise UAE Nuclear Sector and achieve Nuclear Safety & Security, Radiation Protection & Safeguards. Fulfil obligations under international treaties, conventions & agreements entered into by UAE. Prevent use of Nuclear Facilities & Regulated Materials for non-peaceful purposes.

3 Regulatory Framework (1/2)
FANR-REG-24: “Basic Safety Standards for Facilities and Activities involving Ionizing Radiation other than in Nuclear Facilities” based on IAEA BSS. FANR-REG-13: “Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials” as defined in TS-R-1 FANR-RG-07: “Safety Guide” describing the methods and/or criteria acceptable to the Authority for meeting and implementing specific requirements in the Authority regulation FANR-RG-019: on Radiation Safety in Industrial Radiography (based upon the IAEA’s Specific Safety Guide SSG-11)

4 Regulatory Framework (2/2)
FANR-REG-23 “Security of Radioactive Sources” FANR-RG-20 “Security Plan for Use or Storage of Radioactive Sources” FANR-RG-21 “Security Plan for the Transport of Radioactive Sources

5 Licensing and Inspection Processes (1/2)
Starting the licensing process in 2010, with coordination with other former regulatory authorities [Federal Environmental Agency and health authorities]. Using Regulatory Authority Information System (RAIS) to register all radiation sources. There are 100 licensees (out of 1500 licensees) authorized for using category 1, 2 and 3 radioactive sources. [Category 1 = 10, Category 2 = 60, Category 3 = 7]

6 Licensing and Inspection Processes (2/2)
Starting Safety inspection in 2010, the frequency of inspection based on risk associated with the practice . Enforcement action has been developed in FANR, in 2015 the Cabinet Resolution No.27 of 2015 of Concerning the penalty fees for violating the licensing has been issued. Security Inspection has been initiated in 2012, all the relevant licensees have been visited by FANR officers who have explained the requirements imposed by FANR-REG-23.

7 Establishment and Maintenance of National Sources Register
In accordance with the Nuclear Law, FANR has established and maintains a national register of radioactive sources since This register is based on the Regulatory Authority Information System (RAIS) database format which is being populated with data as licenses are issued. This national register covered the all categories of the radioactive sources (1 – 5), all details related to the sources are registered and the licensee is required update their inventory every six months. The database of the all sources which have been regulated under the previous authority shifted to FANR and manage under the current national register.

8 Establishment and Maintenance of National Sources Register
Launched on April 2016: FANR has started E-Licensing system project in 2014 with the purpose to develop web based interface with applicants that will allow FANR to implement licensing and inspection processes, along with providing for establishment of national dose register and national source register. RAIS will be gradually replaced by this E-licensing with a unique ID of the inventory item generated automatically by the E-license system for each Radiation Sources and Regulated Items regardless of any changes in item’s working conditions and the information related to the radioactive source contains: serial number, activity, date, half-life, recommended working life, location, category, model, manufacturer, associated equipment, etc

9 Establishment and Maintenance of National Sources Register
A national source register operation procedure has been established with a clear responsibilities, involved units, definitions, references, action steps / guidance, documents and records and flow diagram.

10 Establishment and Maintenance of Sources National Register
An agreement for disposal or returning the source to the supplier when it became disused is required for each source registered on the Radioactive Sources in UAE.

11 Process of Sources National Register

12 Future plans for sharing the national source register
FANR is planning to share the national source register with National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) and Ministry of Interior. The purpose of sharing this knowledge is to be used as a beneficial tool during any emergency event.


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