Human Anatomy & Physiology I

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1 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Fall 2017 ZOOL 141 Human Anatomy & Physiology I

2 Powerpoint Presentations Available:
Instructor: Michelle Smith Powerpoint Presentations Available:

3 Class Time & Location ZOOL 141 61079 TR 11:30-12:45 Imiloa 133

4 Imiloa 136 MT 8-8:30 WR 11-11:30 or by apt.

5 Class Policies Attendance: Mandatory Come Prepared: Read assignments
Review lecture notes and outlines

6 Cell Phones Please turn it off before arriving to class!

7 Course Description ZOOL 141 is the first semester of a two-semester course in human anatomy and physiology which includes a study of human embryology, gross anatomy, microanatomy, physiology, pathology, and homeostatic relationships. This course is intended for students entering health care or medically related fields such as nursing, physical therapy and medical technology.

8 Requirements Satisfied
this Course This is lecture-based class and includes a laboratory component.

9 Course Goals By the end of this course, the student should have a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the systems that make up the human body, including: cell structure and function integumentary tissue skeletal muscular nervous special senses

10 Modes of Instruction Assigned text readings and lecture outlines (powerpoint slides) Class lectures Internet resources Examinations Reaction papers and class discussions Video

11 Email for legitimate absence 10% of Grade
ATTENDANCE: Mandatory for legitimate absence 10% of Grade Unexcused absence deduction of 1% point

12 Reaction Papers 2 page reaction paper
Find and attach article related to selected topics TOPICS: Stem cells Nervous System 20% of grade

13 Homework Mastering A & P 9e Weekly assignments 10% of grade

14 Review Session You ask questions Jeopardy game

15 Exams Exams (4)= 60% of grade Allowed a 1-sided 3x5” note card
50 multiple choice questions Final exam is exam 4


17 Missed Exam Policy Contact your instructor (email)!
No retest unless a legitimate reason Take exam next class time

18 Extra Credit Assignments
Reaction paper Video review (e.g. Gattaca) Attend seminar The Stiff by Mary Roach Knifeman by Wendy Moore

19 Grading Exams (4) 60% of grade Reaction Papers(2) 20% of grade
Homework 10% of grade Attendance 10% of grade Total 100% Final Grade

20 Grading Grade cutoffs: A = above 90% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79%
F = below 59% No plus or minus final grades

21 How to succeed in this class Read text and outlines
Review lecture notes as often as possible Participate in discussions Study in groups Ask questions

22 Academic Dishonesty Cheating Plagiarism
See student handbook on conduct code or see

23 Course Text Human Anatomy & Physiology with MasteringA&P®, 9/E
Marieb, E. & Hoehn, K.  (2016)Human Anatomy & Physiology(10th ed.) with Mastering A&P/9e. NY: Pearson Pub.

24 Mastering A&P/10e Log in:
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