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Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 11.

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1 Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 11

2 authoritarian The authoritarian boss seldom allows his workers to make their own decisions.

3 authoritarian Adjective – pertaining to absolute authority and unquestioning obedience

4 avenge Monty decided to avenge the insult by hitting Derek with a water balloon.

5 avenge Verb – to inflict punishment for a perceived wrong; to take vengeance

6 bewilder The home team’s loss bewildered fans who expected to have a winning season.

7 bewilder Verb – to confuse

8 bristle The radio host’s insult made many listeners bristle.

9 bristle Verb – to become angry

10 clemency The strict teacher has no clemency for students who cut class and then fail their tests.

11 clemency Noun – mercy; leniency

12 elaborate The students appeared to be puzzled, so the teacher elaborated on the topic. The rooms of the Victorian house featured elaborate , hand-carved woodwork.

13 elaborate Verb – to express in greater detail
Adjective – having intricate or complex detail

14 gazebo The small orchestra played a concert in the gazebo at the park.

15 gazebo Noun – a small, roofed building, usually having open sides

16 malady Measles was a common malady before vaccinations existed.

17 malady Noun – an illness; a physical or mental disorder

18 mar Water leaking from the roof marred the wallpaper.

19 Mar Verb – to damage; to disfigure

20 obscure It was an obscure ritual to outsiders but an ancient tradition to the natives. Milton excels at trivia games because he knows so many obscure facts.

21 obscure Adjective – not easily noticed or understood Little known
Verb – to make unclear; to dim

22 obsolete The obsolete computer at the library does not run any modern programs.

23 obsolete Adjective – no longer valid or in use

24 Pretext Liz kept the wallet she found with the pretext of keeping it safe until she could locate the owner.

25 pretext Noun – a professed purpose to hide the real reason

26 teem The fisherman’s net was heavy because it teemed with fish.
Eager fans teemed into the concert hall, leaving standing room only.

27 teem Verb – to be full of things To move in large numbers; to pour out

28 translucent The translucent glass in the bathroom windows provides some privacy but allows light to enter the room.

29 translucent Adjective – permitting light to pass through, but not enough to allow clear viewing of objects on the other side.

30 Transparent The pen is transparent so the writer can see how much ink remains.

31 transparent Adjective – permitting enough light to pass through to allow clear viewing of objects on the other side.

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