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Energy Management and Planning MSJ0210

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2 Energy Management and Planning MSJ0210
Distributed energy Eduard Latõšov


4 Contents Definitions Examples

5 Definitions

6 Distributed energy Definitions RESOURCES PRODUCTION
Distributed energy resources (DER) consist of small-scale energy generation and energy storage units located at or near the load site. According to the International Energy Agency, DER are emerging rapidly for multiple reasons. New engineering technologies, materials, and designs improve the performance and extend the range of locations for DER. Constructing new or modernizing existing high voltage transmission lines for centralized generation are expensive and challenging. Customer demand for reliability has increased. Concerns for climate change have created a pull for swift renewable energy penetration. Energy technology allocation for distributed energy resources: A strategic technology-policy framework, Sreekanth Mallikarjun, Herbert F. Lewis, Energy, Elsevier, 1 August 2014

7 Definitions BENEFITS:
First, DER systems enable cogeneration and trigeneration, and avoid high voltage and long distance transmission losses, thus increasing overall efficiency. Second, DER expand the use of renewable sources and siting is easier as DER avoid the need of new high voltage transmission capacity. Third, DER can be built swiftly and capacity can be added easily based on the incremental demands of energy. Finally, DER systems are capable of providing reliable and sustainable energy to consumers. Energy technology allocation for distributed energy resources: A strategic technology-policy framework, Sreekanth Mallikarjun, Herbert F. Lewis, Energy, Elsevier, 1 August 2014

8 Definitions standby or primary generation, storage, peak shaving,
DER provide a multitude of services to utilities and consumers that include standby or primary generation, storage, peak shaving,  peak sharing,  base-load generation, combined heating and power (CHP), or combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP). Energy technology allocation for distributed energy resources: A strategic technology-policy framework, Sreekanth Mallikarjun, Herbert F. Lewis, Energy, Elsevier, 1 August 2014

9 Definitions DISTRIBUTED = “ISLAND MODE” Distributed energy elements are mainly the same as for basic energy system. Trend. Add new distributed energy elements which takes advantages which may provide exact location or consumers.

10 Examples

11 Distributed energy (District heating example)
NEW CONSUMERS AND PRODUCERS Low energy buildings Biomass conversion Future energy sources

12 Distributed energy

13 Distributed energy OPERATION PRINCIPLES

14 Combined heat and power

15 Thank you


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