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Is it possible for one bullet to cause the deaths of 9 million people?

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Presentation on theme: "Is it possible for one bullet to cause the deaths of 9 million people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it possible for one bullet to cause the deaths of 9 million people?

2 How does this cartoon show the system of alliances
How does this cartoon show the system of alliances? This cartoon shows that..

3 Why did the First World War break out in 1914?
To know how the System of Alliances was set up. To be able to categorise the key causes that existed before war broke out. To understand the significance of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

4 Use your knowledge from last lesson to fill in the following:
Some countries wished to build up their Empires. This is known as ________________. Britain was in competition with other countries to build the strongest armed forces. We could call this __________. Countries in Europe were very proud of themselves, and would defend their country as well as they could. This is known as ________________. Before 1914 war had been avoided through having ______________. nationalism militarism imperialism a system of alliances


6 A map showing the alliances in Europe in 1914

7 Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand.

8 Understanding check: How did the First World War start?
What did the Black Hand want? Serbia/ Bosnia/ Austro- Hungarian Empire/ war What was their plan to achieve this? Assassination/ Archduke Franz Ferdinand/ grenades/pistols/ cyanide What happened? How did this lead to a world war? System of alliances

9 Match each individual cause to
a main heading. Which main cause seems to have been most responsible for the outbreak of war in 1914?

10 From 11.15

11 Final Plenary: What do you think is likely to happen once news of the assassination is reported? How would your country respond? Declare war- but on which country? Do nothing? Prepare for war just in case?

12 SOURCE 2 Recruitment of volunteers to the army, 1914–15. © Hodder Murray

13 nationalism

14 imperialism

15 rivalry

16 diplomacy

17 militarism

18 © Hodder Murray

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