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Eric Brey Kelly Brummett Katy Yurk

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1 Eric Brey Kelly Brummett Katy Yurk
NCAA Boot Camp Eric Brey Kelly Brummett Katy Yurk

2 Mission: What is the NCAA? Bring nonathletics staff up-to-speed on:
NCAA-speak; Athletics-isms; and Interdepartmental functionality. Answer your questions.

3 The ncaa Association of member institutions and NCAA national office staff. Three divisions: I, II and III. Colleges and universities – 1,123. Voting athletics conferences - 98. Affiliated organizations - 39.

4 The ncaa National office. Academic and membership affairs.
Championships. Eligibility Center. Enforcement.

5 The ncaa Prioritize academics, well-being and fairness.
Rules designed and adopted by the membership. Govern: Athletics personnel, amateurism, recruiting, academic eligibility, financial aid, awards/benefits, and playing and practice seasons.

6 NCAA-SPEAK NCAA - National Collegiate Athletics Association.
AMA - Academic and Membership Affairs. APP - Division I Academic Performance Program. APR - Division I Academic Progress Rate. COA – Division I Committee on Academics. COA – Cost of Attendance. EC - Eligibility Center. SA – Student-Athlete.

7 NCAA-SPEAK ENF - Enforcement. FAR - Faculty Athletics Representative.
IAC - Division I Infractions Appeals Committee. IP - Investigations and Processing Group. LOI - Letter of Inquiry. LSDBi - Legislative Services Database for the Internet. NLI - National Letter of Intent.

8 NCAA-SPEAK NOA - Notice of Allegations.
OCOI – Office of the Committee on Infractions. PMR - Public and Media Relations. PSA - Prospective Student-Athlete. PTD - Progress Toward Degree. RSRO - Requests/Self-Reports Online. SAR – Division I Student-Athlete Reinstatement.

9 Student-athlete NCAA timeline
Recruitment. 1 Assessment of initial eligibility. 2 Monitoring continuing eligibility. 3 Maybe transfer. 4 Maybe ineligibility. 5 Graduation. 6

10 Academic Planning Calendar
Update financial aid/ admissions... 1 Certify eligibility for incoming and continuing SAs. 2 NLI signing dates. 3 Midyear academic certifications/ enrollees. 4 NLI signing dates; assessment for summer. 5 End of year academic certifications. 6 June/July August/ September November December/ January February/ April May Academic Planning Calendar

11 Interdepartmental functionality (OR DYSFUNCTIONALITY)
Develop the battlefield - stay alert. Student-athlete's world. Commanders guidance: One team - one fight!! People matter - Communication is critical: Creating the umbrella.

12 REGISTRAR ADMISSIONS Certification Grade Change Athletics Admin Coach
PSA/Parents REGISTRAR ADMISSIONS Compliance Grade Change Graduation Athletics Admin Coach Degree Change USS Athletics

13 USS Athletics College S T U D E N T - A H L International Housing
Bursar Health Services FAR Registrar Admissions Financial Aid Parents Academics Advising Coach Athletics Director Compliance Academics - Athletic FAR Trainers Sports Information NCAA Teammates Parents S T U D E N T - A H L USS Athletics College

14 S T U D E N -A H L College USS Athletics

15 Inclusive Process: people matter - Communication is critical
Student-Athlete Interface Athletics Academic Advisors Compliance Registrar Academic Departments Financial Aid Others: FAR, Provost, Admissions, Student Affairs


17 WE Want Your Feedback Your input is important.
Rate this session using the survey on the Regional Rules Seminar app.

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