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Prioritising Sustainability in Locality Improvement Plans

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1 Prioritising Sustainability in Locality Improvement Plans
Transition Edinburgh Prioritising Sustainability in Locality Improvement Plans Key outcomes from Community Engagement workshops across Edinburgh : 1. Six Edinburgh Conversations 2. Four Locality Improvement Plans

2 Edinburgh Conversations 2016-17
Purpose To build capacity and resilience in Edinburgh communities To raise awareness and lay the foundations for a Low Carbon Edinburgh Raise awareness of the Edinburgh Sustainable Development Partnership Promote engagement by all stakeholders in the city.

3 1. Building Emissions 2. Food Matters 3. Local Energy 4
1. Building Emissions 2. Food Matters 3. Local Energy 4. Transport and Pollution 5. Circular Economy 6. Solar and Storage

4 What was done? The Corporate Projects Manager of the City Council invited Transition Edinburgh to run four workshops as part of the Locality Improvement Plan (LIP) development process These four 2-hour workshops brought together 170 citizens who identified their priorities for the 5-year LIP’s process The workshops were embedded in week-long exhibitions from local sustainability initiatives in each Locality.

5 Edinburgh’s four Localities

6 Locality Improvement Plans
Locality Working introduced to Edinburgh in 2016    There are four Localities in Edinburgh: South West / North West / North East / South East incl City Centre Required to develop a 5-year Locality Improvement Plan Phase 1 consultation on wider needs of a Locality in 2016 These Transition Edinburgh events contributed to Phase 2 – looking at more specific issues in Localities Locality Improvement Plans to be published by Oct 2017.

7 Ideas emerging from workshops
People identified many related goals in proposed projects: Improving Local Amenities – provide Ideas Cafes / public Meeting Places and strategies to strengthen communities like Participatory Budgeting Better use of Green Spaces – promote Well-being by creating enjoyable places and encouraging local Food Growing – giving people pride in their local community Healthy Streets – more pedestrianisation: keep vehicles separate from people travelling by Walking and Cycling Warm homes – more Well Insulated and Affordable Housing / Fuel Poverty eliminated + Community Energy and District Heating.


9 SE (+ City Centre): Suggestions
Transport & Air Quality: Improve Cycle lanes. Remove clutter from pavements. Introduce more Park and Ride Architecture & Place: Better implementation of planning for Royal Mile / City Centre: Edinburgh World Heritage Site Community and Amenities: Accessible and quiet Public Places required for socialising and community projects Waste: Improve recycling. Tackle Throwaway society e.g. deposit on beverage containers and other means Green Space: Increase green corridors for Biodiversity. Promote community growing Food: Improve access to local organic food / other sustainable food. More Food Growing in the city.

10 South West: Project Suggestions
Community Hubs: enhancement of Local Amenities “Healthy Streets”: Neighbourhood projects to tackle traffic and congestion Green Space transformed: Place creation - increase value of parks, less litter, increase Community Cohesion “South West is Best”: community ownership and Pride in Place Zero Fuel Poverty and Insulated Warm Homes Increase disbursed amounts for Participatory Budgeting.

11 North West: Project Suggestions
Sustainable Active Travel: Public Transport, Cycling, Walking, Reduce Air Pollution  Healthy Streets for All “Ideas Cafes” in all local areas: help groups formulate new ideas. Offer premises  real community empowerment Waste and Recycling: set up a Community Swap, Reuse and Repair Hub / Circular Economy locally and cut landfill Map, release and use suitable land for Food Growing:  Less Food Poverty, Improved Nutrition, Cooking Skills “Go Wild in the Park”: create a haven – for children – to engage with wildlife and learn about risks and resilience Zero Fuel Poverty: Local Energy, District Heating and Solar PV by and for community  lower costs, emissions.

12 North East: Project Suggestions
Derelict Ground: Green / Blue pathways for Community Gardening, Food Production, Green Spaces to relax / play Zero waste to landfill: Install effective waste collection – communal & kerbside to encourage proactive householders Growing Spaces: Improve health through better nutrition and reduce food poverty and community’s carbon footprint Healthier Food: Community Food Markets, e.g. at schools, locally produced food from allotments & gardens / cut need for food banks  better physical & mental health Warm Homes: Attract investment in co-operative low carbon, warm new homes to reduce Fuel Poverty and improve health of residents.

13 Transition Edinburgh Survey results September 2017
70 responses received Wide range on each option Key comments: “Important does not mean achievable!” And “Be SMART”


15 Top Priorities 4.38 Healthy and Safe streets to encourage cycling and walking 4.31 Enforce high standard on new builds – at least level B EPC 4.21 Enforce Environmental Legislation to reduce pollution 4.17 Adopt renewable energies on new and existing buildings Maximum score was 5, so any 4 + were chosen by a majority.

16 Next priorities 3.98 Improve recycling
3.97 More District Heating schemes and improved storage systems 3.95 Ban fracking and unconventional gas 3.95 Increase green corridors for biodiversity 3.95 Include Circular Economy principles in strategic city planning 3.92 Retrofit existing buildings to level C EPC 3.92 Pro-active legal and planning framework for local energy production 3.9 Promote food sharing and reduce food waste 3.87 Behaviour change to promote more effective use of electricity 3.85 Promote swap and reuse

17 The vision for Edinburgh
Zero Carbon Edinburgh 29 Zero Waste Edinburgh 19 Better Living Edinburgh 17 Thriving Edinburgh 16 Resilient Edinburgh 14 Bright Future Edinburgh 13 Aspirations for Edinburgh 13 Thank you to all who contributed more alternatives







24 Community Engagement workshops and exhibitions were organised by Transition Edinburgh – connecting and supporting communities and initiating practical projects striving for a greener, fairer, healthier more resilient Edinburgh. Web: Or call: David Somervell (TE Convener) on Join us! 

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