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A Brief Introduction of MacOS

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1 A Brief Introduction of MacOS
Cheng-Han Du

2 Apple Inc. Co-founded by Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak
Manufacturing multiple kinds of consumer electronics such as desktop, laptop, mobile computers, etc. Apple gains popularity because of product design.

3 Apple Inc. Famous products in present day: Mac (iMac, MacBook) iPod

4 Computer from Apple Originally, Apple PC is not Intel-based.
PowerPC by Apple, IBM, and Motolora (AIM alliance) Transition: from PowerPC to Intel-based PC

5 Classic Mac OS (1 ~ 9) One of the leading operating system that has a GUI (graphical user interface) Compatibility: Motolora and PowerPC

6 Classic Mac OS Mac 1 to 7.5

7 Classic Mac OS Mac 7.6

8 Classic Mac OS Mac 8 and 9

9 Mac OS X Mac OS 10.0 “Cheetah”

10 Current Mac OS X: 10.5

11 Something about Mac OS X
Unix-based system X11 Some command-line environment is much like what can been seen in Unix Support Intel-based CPU (not just PowerPC) Version 10.5 has “Boot Camp” to let you install Windows in your Intel-based Apple PC. However, you cannot install Mac OS X in your PC unless it is made by Apple.

12 Some Demonstrations

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