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Lecture 19 Inelastic Light Scattering (Raman) cont. Photon Statistics

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1 Lecture 19 Inelastic Light Scattering (Raman) cont. Photon Statistics
Read: FQ5

2 Quantum Photonics Seminar This week
THURSDAY, March 31, 2016 10:30 A.M. ROOM EE 317 Dr. Luca Sapienza University of Southampton (United Kingdom) Quantum photonics on a chip: controlling light at the single photon level

3 Light scattering (elastic) (inelastic) (values for optical fibre)

4 Brillouin Scattering (raman) (Brillouin)

5 Lattice Absorption (Light-Phonon interaction)

6 Raman Spectroscopy Molecular vibration (vibron)
C.V.Raman 1928 Molecular vibration (vibron) Solid lattice vibration (phonon) citatio Molecule “fingerprint”.. Also for nanomaterial & solids

7 i o Cg Vg Our Instrument:
Confocal Raman Microscope+Scanning Stage+Optical Microcryostat with Electrical Feedthrough (a) (1) (2) (b) (3) i o  =io Motivation? Horiba Xplora (Raman/fluorescence) Sample stage/micro-optical-cryostat [T=4K--~800K; variable pressure/gas; electrical feedthroughs for gating/transport] (3) Scanning stage (Raman mapping/imaging) Cg Vg I, V Versatile, non-invasive technique, can be applied to many other nano/2D materials

8 Raman Spectrum of Graphene
D G 2D (phonon) =532nm Ferrari et al’06 15:30

9 Raman spectrum sensitive to many parameters…
Thickness (layer number) & stacking  identify graphene Disorder (lattice defects) Temperature (thermometer) Strain & Crystal orientation Doping and other electronic properties (e-phonon coupling) 2D (G’) peak Raman mapping D peak I. Calizo, et al., " Nano Letters, 7: 2645 (2007) Ferrari et al’06 Reviews: L.M. Malard et al., Physics Reports, 473, (2009); Isaac Childres et al., Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene and Related Materials, in New Developments in Photon and Materials Research, ed. Nova   (2013) Yong P. Chen, in Horiba Readout ‘2015

10 Spectroscopic Raman (ID) imaging of graphene single crystals & grain boundaries
Q. Yu & L. Jauregui et al. Nature Mater. 2011

11 Graphene-plasma interaction: a case study of how oxygen plasma modifies graphene
(can apply to other 2D materials and plasmas/irradiations  functionalize/modify materials) radiation/material interaction: may benefit radiation-hard electronics and radiation sensor O plasma effects on graphene: Etching and defect generation Induce Raman D peak Suppress Raman 2D (G’) peak Raman spectrum AFM Graphene subject to O plasma I. Childres et al. New J. Phys. (2011) [selected as NJP highlights in 2011]

12 Thermal Conductivity: Electro-Raman Measurement
suspended graphene electric heating (only graphene): well controlled/defined Raman thermometry: reads graphene T [Balandin’07] SiO2 Silicon p++ 532 nm Laser Graphene Cr/Au Current 10μm Variable T (4-800K) k~2000W/mK κ = RI2L/ (8ΔTWh) Joule heating T rise (read by Raman) L.A. Jauregui et al. (2010); ECS Trans. (2010) cf also Cai et al Nano Lett.10

13 Raman spectrum depends on carrier density/fermi energy in graphene
Related to/probe electron-phonon coupling & “Kohn anomaly”; Also a manifestation of breakdown of adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer G peak (VG>VD n-doping) Dirac point (charge neutral) The position of this G peak is very sensitive to carrier density as shown in this PRL paper by Jun Yan. The blue points show the G band position as a function of charge density. Similarly, the 2D/G ratio is also sensitive to carrier density. Lower carrier density will give… (VG<VD p-doping) Das et al., Nature Nanotechnology 3, 210 (2008) Yan et al., Physical Review Letters 98, (2007)

14 Raman spectra of twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG)
Resonant enhancement Raman when photon energy matches van Hove singularity (vHS) --- sensitive to twisting angle (band astructure) CVD tBLG G: Also Zettl et al, Park et al’12 R.He & T-F. Chung et al. Nano Lett.’13 First observation of layer-breathing mode (ZO’) – molecular like

15 Quantum Optics of Photons
FQ’Chap5 FQ’Chap6 Chap 7-8: coherent, squeezed, & number states

16 Photon Statistics FQ’Chap5 Single photon detector:
PMT (photomultiplier tube) APD (avalanche photodiode)

17 How many photons (detected)?

18 Coherent Light: Poisson Photon Statistics


20 Classification of Light by Photon Statistics
(Nonclassical light)

21 Superpoissonian Light
1) Thermal Light (blackbody) Classical (Rayleigh-Jeans) Planck (quantum):

22 (focus on one mode) Particle (Photon) “wave noise”

23 (Superpoissonian) 2. “Chaotic” (partially coherent light)
Measurement time T (smaller) vs. c

24 Subpoissonian Light But: any (random) loss will randomize the photons
(det. Subpoissonian challenging)

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