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A Look at the Way the World Prays

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1 A Look at the Way the World Prays
WORLD RELIGIONS A Look at the Way the World Prays

2 What is religion and why study it?
Purpose of Religion? To explain To get to heaven To do good To give life meaning Law and order Why is it important? Religion has shaped history for thousands of years. It is okay to learn about religions not your own. You do not, and should not, agree with all beliefs, but you should be respectful of them.

3 World Religions



6 Activity: (3 minutes) Order by “popularity” (size of membership)
Hinduism Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism

7 World Religion Membership
Member World Population Christianity 2 Billion + Islam 1.2 Billion + Hinduism 900 Million Buddhism 400 Million Judaism 14 Million (WHY?)


9 Beliefs Monotheistic-believe in one god
Polytheistic-believe in more than one god

10 The Two Types of Religions
Abrahamic Religions Ex: Islam, Christianity, & Judaism Dharmic Religions Ex: Hinduism & Buddhism


12 Abrahamic & Dharmic Religions

13 Christianity & Islam

14 Lets look at the Abrahamic Religions first.

15 Christianity Supreme Being? God/ Yaweh/Jesus Where did it begin?
Bethlehem-Palestine, modern day Middle East (Israel) Raised Jewish R.C. Pope- hierarchy O. –reject doctrine added since 8th century P. individuals primary responsibility for achieving personal salvation; direct communication w/God Symbols?



18 Major Beliefs Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
Believe that Jesus was the son of God who came and died for people’s sins and then rose so that all people could be saved Believe in one God(monotheistic) who created the universe and all things in it

19 Christian Way of Life Fellowship with God relationships with others
Obedience to God's commands prayer Attending church


21 CHRISTIANITY The three main segments of Christianity are Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants.


23 Exit Slip Use your reading from today to answer on a sheet of paper and turn in at the end of class: 1. Why is Judaism and Christianity considered Abrahamic religions? 2. What is the Christian concept of the Trinity? 4. How do Christians achieve salvation? 3. Why do you think Christianity is the largest religion in the world?

24 Target: I can describe Judaism

25 Learning Target: I can describe Judaism
Journal: The Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism are polytheistic. Judaism was the first monotheistic religion in the world, what does this mean? Why is this significant?

26 Founder/Supreme Being
the God of the ancient Israelites or Yahweh established a divine covenant with Abraham, making him the patriarch of many nations. The term Abrahamic Religions is derived from his name. These are the three or four major religions which trace their roots back to Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

27 JUDAISM The oldest faith among the major religions of the world is Judaism, or Jewish. The Hebrews have been around for thousands of years. Judaism began in what is today Israel in the Middle East

28 JUDAISM Beliefs The main difference between Christians and Jews is their belief regarding Jesus. Jews do not believe him to be the son of God. Jews believe in one God, and are waiting for the Messiah or chosen one Jews’ sacred literature is the Torah, comprised mainly of the Old Testament. They do not use the New Testament. Jews practice many traditions including prayer and fasting.

29 JUDAISM: Practices A Jewish place of worship is called a synagogue.
Jewish ceremonies are often performed in Yiddish, or Hebrew. A Jewish church leader is called a rabbi. Jews have many laws and traditions, including eating Kosher food.

30 Customs and Traditions
Observation of the weekly Sabbath as a day of rest, starting at sundown on Friday evening. following the laws in all areas of life Passing down Jewish traditions celebrating the annual festivals including: Passover, or Pesach is held each Spring to recall the Jews' deliverance out of slavery in Egypt Hanukkah or the Feast of Lights is an 8 day feast of dedication. Barmitzvah-coming of age rituals

31 JUDAISM The menorah is a symbol of the Jewish religion. So is the star of David.

32 Holy Text Jews’ sacred literature is the Torah, comprised mainly of the Old Testament. They do not use the New Testament.

33 Jerusalem: The Holy City

34 1) Who was the patriarch (father) of the 3 religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
3) What is the term for the weekly day of worship? 5) Christians call him God. 6) Name and draw the Jewish symbol. 8) What is the coming to age ceremony for boys? for girls? 9) What is the celebration of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt called? What is the Festival of Lights called? 10) What city is associated with the three religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism? 11) Where do Jewish people worship?

35 EXIT In your Demonstrator answer the following about Judaism in Israel: 1. Who founded Judaism? 2.What were two beliefs or traditions discussed in this video? Explain each 3. Why do you think Jerusalem is considered such a holy place for Jews?

36 ISLAM The Muslim symbol is the crescent moon with a star.

37 ISLAM Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews. They call him Allah, which is Arabic for “God”. Muslims are located mostly in the Middle East in countries such as Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad

38 ISLAM A Muslim temple is called a mosque. A Muslim priest is called an imam.

39 ISLAM: Beliefs Monotheistic- “Allah”
Islam is based on the life and teachings of Muhammad Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran Muslim’s are expected to follow the 5 Pillars of Faith

40 5 Pillars of Faith 1. Shahada-declaring your faith-Muhammad messenger of God 2. salat-prayer 5 times a day [face Mekkah] 3. zakat-giving to the poor (purification/growth) 4. Siyam-fasting during Ramadan (self-purification 5. hajj-making a pilgrimage to Mecca/Mekkah once in your life

41 ISLAM Like Christians, Muslims are divided. The two main groups are Shi’a, (or Shi’ites) [Iraq, Iran, Pakistan], The other sect is Sunni [SW Asia, N Africa + Indonesia] 83% Muslims. France 4 million Muslims- magazine incident Detroit- 1930s

42 What is a Muslim extremist?

43 HINDUISM Hindus, on the other hand, have no problem with Jesus being the son of God. They believe in one God, but that he takes many forms. 900 million 3rd largest! Holy places concentrated for deities- what kind of religion?

44 HINDUISM Note the circle around this Hindu god. Hindus believe in reincarnation. Life, to them, is circular.

45 HINDUISM This is symbol for Hinduism. Most Hindus live in India. The Hindu scripture is primarily the Upanishads and Vedas.

46 HINDUISM Brahma is the senior God, and creator of the universe.

47 HINDUISM Another main form of God for Hindus is Shiva.

48 HINDUISM Vishnu is another form of God in the Hindu religion.

49 HINDUISM Holiest shrines riverbanks and coastlines
The temple shown is representative of Hindu temples worldwide. Built for gods rather than worship-symbolic artifact/image of god Holiest shrines riverbanks and coastlines Cremation-purification; soul departs for the afterworld.

50 Hinduism Unknown origins –before recorded history
Our book classifies as polytheistic, but only 1 god Aryan tribes Central Asia invaded India + intermingling with Dravidians modified to Hinduism

51 Pongal

52 BUDDHISM The most different of the five major religions is Buddhism. It is more a lifestyle that focuses on ending desire, thus ending suffering.

53 Buddhism 4 noble truths All living beings must endure suffering
Suffering, caused by desire to live, leads to reincarnation Goal of all existence is to escape suffering and endless cycle of reincarnation into NIRVANA-achieved-mental/moral self-purification Nirvavna attained through “eightfold path” Belief, resolve, speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought, meditation

54 BUDDHISM Buddhists don’t really worship a god - they believe god is everywhere, and that when we end desire we are at peace with ourselves and nature. + ethnic religion

55 BUDDHISM Many people believe that Buddhists worship statues of Buddha, like the one at right. Not so.

56 BUDDHISM Buddhist priests are called lamas or monks. The Buddhist scriptures are called the Tripatakas, or three baskets.

57 BUDDHISM One thing Buddhists and Hindus have in common is the belief in reincarnation. They believe you come back in a different form based on your actions in this life.

58 BUDDHISM Most Buddhists live in Asian countries such as China + NE India (hearth). Missionaries + merchants diffused Buddhism- less practiced in India today

59 Three branches of Buddhism- TMT
Theravada Way of elders- full time-Monk renounce world goods, Buddha’s wisdom Mahayana Help/teach others, Buddha’s compassion Tantrayana Practice rituals “tantras” Siddhartha Gautama becomes Buddha “enlightened one”

60 Quick Thought Hindu dominated India Muslim dominated Pakistan


62 What god does each religion believe in?

63 What is the scripture for each religion?

64 Match the religion with its place of worship
Synagogue Church Cathedral Mosque Temple Muslim Protestant Jewish Catholic Buddhist & Hindu

65 Match the term to the religion
Priest, Bishop Monk, lama Imam Rabbi Minister, Reverend Guru Judaism Buddhism Protestant Hindu Catholic Muslim

66 Match the geographic location to the religion
Middle East Israel, Europe, U.S. N. & S. America, Europe Asia India U.S., Australia Protestant Muslim Jewish Hindu Catholic Buddhist

67 What is the BIG difference between Christians and Jews and Muslims?

68 How was each religion created?
Judaism Abraham Catholicism Jesus’ teachings Hinduism unsure Protestant Protesting Catholicism Buddhist Buddha Islam Mohammed

69 How does each religion view the afterlife?
Which religions believe in reincarnation?

70 Territorial Conflicts
Ex) Afghanistan-Taliban-strict Islamic values-fundamentalism Called by Allah purge Afghanistan of sin + pure Islamic state. No “Western” influence or Buddhist statues Caste System- hereditary order (Brahman, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Shudras, untouchables) Relaxed; untouchables go to university; marriage adds still include caste

71 Middle East Jews vs. Christians vs. Muslims
Crusades- against Muslims by Christians to reclaim Jerusalem UK takes control with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire WWI UN creates Israel in 1947 Watch this

72 Middle East Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip
Israeli control but Palestinians (Muslims lived or living in Israel) CLAIM IT Do not recognize right of Israel to exist (sovereign) due to 1967 six day war when Israel claimed territory

73 Jurusalem Holy site to Islam, Judaism, Christianity
Muslims sacred space build ON TOP of sacred space of Jews Israel allows unlimited access to Muslim holy structures No dividing possible-ON TOP OF

74 Ireland vs. N Ireland N. Protestant 46% Ireland Catholic 40% Catholic
Irish Republican Army (IRA) fundamentalists who want to unite Ireland by any means Ireland Catholic

75 Communism vs. Religion Soviet Union-Today-Russia nationalized church buildings and property- use with permission SE Asia- vandalized Buddhist monuments

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