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& Stockton Borough Council

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Presentation on theme: "& Stockton Borough Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 & Stockton Borough Council

2 & Stockton Borough Council
Already ahead of the game We’ve made a CO2MMITMENT! Multi-million pound saving already communicated to staff.

3 & Stockton Borough Council
An opportunity to engage staff and encourage carbon reduction in their own lives.

4 & Stockton Borough Council
Leading by Example If we commit to 10:10, we can encourage staff to.

5 & Stockton Borough Council
Teaser Campaign

6 & Stockton Borough Council
Even more chocolate for the Carbon Champions! Will they earn it?

7 & Stockton Borough Council
The morning after (10:10am to be exact!)

8 & Stockton Borough Council
Roadshows We don’t just rely on chocolates and s!

9 & Stockton Borough Council
Results Over 150 sign up in first week

10 & Stockton Borough Council
The First Disappointment! Our Carbon Champions let us down…

11 & Stockton Borough Council

12 & Stockton Borough Council
Next Steps Campaign of posters and newsletter articles

13 & Stockton Borough Council

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