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Slavery, Reform & Expansion

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1 Slavery, Reform & Expansion
APUSH Unit 6

2 Evolving Role of Women The Changing American Family
“Republican Motherhood” Cult of domesticity Expanding legal rights Education Employment

3 Evolving Role of Women Origins of the women’s rights movement
Sarah & Angelina Grimke Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Seneca Falls Convention (1848) “Declaration of Sentiments” Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton and sons, 1848 (Collection of Rhoda Jenkins)

4 Southern Economy & Social Structure
The Three Souths Border South (DE, MD, KY, MO) Middle South (VA, NC, TN, AR) Lower South (SC, FL, GA, AL, MS, LA, TX) Southern Social Structure Planter “Aristocracy” Southern Gentry vs. Cotton Entrepreneurs Farmers Poor Whites Mountain Whites (“hillbillies”) King Cotton

5 Conditions of Slavery Free African Americans Slavery
Nurse and charge (Valentine Museum, Cook Collection) Free African Americans Slavery The “Peculiar Institution” Population Economics Slave Life Resistance Slave Revolts Gabriel, 1800 Denmark Vesey, 1822 Nat Turner, 1831 Torture Mask, woodcut, 1807 (Library of Congress)

6 Abolitionism American Colonization Society, 1817 Radical abolitionism
“Evangelical” Abolitionism William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator, 1831 American Anti-Slavery Society Liberty Party, 1840

7 Abolitionism Black Abolitionists Violent Abolitionism
Frederick Douglass & The North Star (1847) Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman Violent Abolitionism David Walker, “Appeal to Colored Citizens,” 1829 Nat Turner, 1831

8 Abolitionism Southern Reprisals Early 1830s – causes for concern
Ban of abolitionist literature Slavery as a positive good “Gag resolution” The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave by Henry Byam Martin, 1833 (National Archives of Canada)

9 Politics of the 1840s President John Tyler Election of 1840
“Tippecanoe & Tyler Too” Death of Harrison Conflicts with Whigs

10 Manifest Destiny John L. O’Sullivan Maine Border Dispute w/ England
Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) Republic of Texas Maine Boundary Settlement, 1842

11 Manifest Destiny Oregon The Election of 1844
James K. Polk (Dem) “Fifty-four Forty or Fight!” Henry Clay (Whig) Liberty Party Annexing Texas & Dividing Oregon

12 War with Mexico, 1846-1848 Pre-War Negotiations
California Texas Border Dispute Immediate Causes of the War Gen. Zachary Taylor & Rio Grande River Technology of the War

13 Consequences of the Mexican War
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848) Mexican Cession Conflict Over Slavery Wilmot Proviso (1846) Southern Position “Popular Sovereignty” “squatter sovereignty”

14 Election of 1848 Democrat Split Whig Split Free-Soil Party
Barnburner Democrats Supported Wilmot Proviso Hunker Democrats Supported Southern Position Lewis Cass – Popular Sovereignty Whig Split “Conscience Whigs” and “Cotton Whigs” Zachary Taylor Free-Soil Party Martin Van Buren

15 California Slave Controversy
California Gold Rush ( ) CA State Constitution Generational shift in Congress Henry Clay John Calhoun William Seward “Higher law than the Constitution” Stephen Douglas Gold miners with sluice, c. 1850 (The Hallmark Photographic Collection, Hallmark Cards, Inc. Kansas City, Missouri)

16 California Slave Controversy
Compromise of 1850 Admit CA as a free state UT and NM with popular sovereignty Ban the slave trade in DC Resolve TX/NM border dispute Fugitive Slave Law

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