Presented by Matt Wingfield Business Development Director

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Matt Wingfield Business Development Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Matt Wingfield Business Development Director
Developing Solutions Presented by Matt Wingfield Business Development Director

2 Presentation Overview:
An introduction to TAG Learning. MAPS (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) - providing e-assessment & e-moderation solutions for: Schools and Local Education Authorities; Further and Higher Education Qualifications ‘eScape’ for the QCA and Goldsmith’s College; ‘The Learning Journey’ for Dudley LEA.

3 An Overview of TAG Learning:
Founded in 1988 by two former educators; Now the largest independent distributor of software and peripherals to education in the UK; Developers of a number of high profile projects including: Portfolio Builder – e-portfolio for primary schools; Digital Time Traveller – book/cd-rom/web resource for schools; Walkers Showcase – online gallery for all schools in the UK; TAG Teacher Net – online teacher portal (55,000+ members). video Winner of BECTA’s 2003 Educational Supplier of the Year Award; TAG's focus is on providing the most appropriate solutions for students, teachers and parents.

4 MAPS in Schools http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS in Schools (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) An online e-assessment / e-moderation system for schools; Created by TAG in 2002, initially for Worcestershire LEA; Initially designed specifically to meet QCA requirements for mandatory assessment of ICT capability at the end of KS3; Now being used to evidence capability in a range of subjects for users aged 5 – 18 years, enabling quicker assessment and moderation of coursework; Enables self and teacher assessment of student work; video Addressing issues in the transition of skills between school phases; MAPS is currently being used by schools in 45 Local Authorities.

5 Accessing MAPS http://www. mapseportfolio
Accessing MAPS (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video Every user accesses the system via their own personalised home page

6 Tasks Banks http://www. mapseportfolio
Tasks Banks (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video Teachers can access a range of pre-made tasks, or they can create tasks from scratch

7 MAPS Tasks http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS Tasks (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video Each task contains a description, student resources, teacher notes and links to measurable outcomes

8 Evidencing Capability http://www. mapseportfolio
Evidencing Capability (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video The student completes the work and uploads this into the task, creating measurable evidence of their capability

9 Upload/review/amend work Share/ moderate assessment
Create/import tasks Assign tasks Upload/review/amend work Assess work Share/ moderate assessment

10 MAPS in FE & HE http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS in FE & HE (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) Based on the school system, but specifically adapted to include: Integration of qualification mark schemes; Linking of evidence by mark scheme criteria; e-submission management and tracking tools for the centre; Secure and integrated Moderator/External Verifier access; video A range of Moderators/EV specific tools and filters to enable e-moderation.

11 MAPS in FE & HE http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS in FE & HE (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) A range of different pilot and ‘in anger’ projects have been undertaken including the following examples: Successfully piloted in 2004/05 with OCR for their GCSE ICT qualification; Over 100 centres currently using MAPS for OCR’s CLAiT qualification; Extensively used by the SQA for assessment and submissions of their Computer Passport qualification; video Edexcel’s DiDA qualification specifications now included as standard within MAPS, to enable centres to manage and assess student ‘e-portfolios’.

12 MAPS & DiDA http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS & DiDA (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video A full range of DiDA Unit tasks, each with integrated mark scheme

13 MAPS & DiDA http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS & DiDA (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video MAPS automatically unpacks & attaches student’s website to the task

14 MAPS & DiDA http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS & DiDA (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video Both the student and teacher can tag work against assessment criteria

15 MAPS & DiDA http://www. mapseportfolio
MAPS & DiDA (Managed Assessment Portfolio System) video Finally the teacher marks the work (with links back to the evidence)

16 Other uses of MAPS The underlying technology to MAPS is very flexible – essentially a web based data base system; This has enabled the system to be used to drive a number of other projects including: eScape – a PDA based project focused on the assessment of work in Design Technology; The Learning Journey – an online learning system involving research, collaboration, multi-modal communication and problem solving video

17 The Learning Journey:
Funded by the DfES, for Dudley Grid for Learning in partnership with Nesta Futurelab. Based on a virtual balloon flight setting off on 12 collaborative missions around the world for students aged years; The journey focuses on both subject-specific areas and cross-curricula themes, linked to curriculum requirements; The system tracks and helps teachers to assess contributions from individuals and groups; Being used to test and inform ideas for the revised English National Curriculum.

18 Commissioned by the QCA and the Technology Education Research Unit (TERU) at Goldsmiths College, London. Designed to enable PDAs & Digital Pens to be used in a design and technology e-qualification; Students use PDAs to record their work, thoughts and design process (using photographs, video, audio recording and sketches); The work on the PDA/pen is then syncronised with MAPS for online marking and moderation by the awarding bodies (AQA & Edexcel).

19 Business Development Director
Contact Information: Matt Wingfield Business Development Director Tel:

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