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Published byAldous Gilbert Modified over 6 years ago
Strong foundations Aaron Benavot GMR team, UNESCO
Early childhood care and education Aaron Benavot GMR team, UNESCO
What is EFA Global Monitoring Report
Presents evidence and analysis for policy and advocacy Prepared by an independent research team based at UNESCO Paris Funded by nine bilateral donors, advised by an editorial board Charts progress towards the six Education for All goals adopted at World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000 by 164 countries, multilateral agencies, NGOs (continues Jomtien agenda from 1990) Assesses international aid and commitments to education Highlights effective policies and practices to accelerate progress Draws attention to emerging educational challenges
Six EFA goals and previous Reports
Expand and improve early childhood care & education, especially for most vulnerable and disadvantaged children 2007 Report Ensure free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by and 2005 Reports Ensure equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes for all young people and adults [Monitoring NFE] Achieve a 50 percent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2O15, especially for women 2006 Report Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, & achieve gender equality by /4 Report Improve all aspects of the quality of education, including measurable improvements in learning outcomes Report
Education for All Dakar Goals and Millennium Development Goals
EFA Goals Millennium Development Goals MDGs Expanding early childhood care and education Universal primary education by 2015 Learning and life skills programmes for youth and adults 50% increase in adult literacy rates by 2015 Gender parity by 2005 and gender equality by 2015 Improving quality of education Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality, and other health goals The Dakar goal actually calls for a 50% increase in levels of adult literacy but this is impossible for countries that have literacy rates above 67%. This Report therefore interprets goal 4 as implying a 50% reduction in illiteracy rates, consistent witih the wording of the 1990 Jomtien conference. No country in need should be denied international assistance
Presentation roadmap General monitoring of EFA goals: Universal primary education, Quality, Gender Equality and Literacy Early Childhood Care and Education Agenda for the future
More and more children are starting school
1999 2004 80 100 120 140 Arab States Central/East. Europe N. America/ West. Europe East Asia/ Pacific Central Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America/ Caribbean South/West Asia Gross intake rate in primary education (%) Sharp increases in Grade 1 access in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia Abbréviations col. gauche See page 25 – 30% in SSA, rates of expansion rapid in Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, the Niger and United Republic of Tanzania. More muted progress in Arab States except Yemen (+57%)
Primary school participation on the rise
50 60 70 80 90 100 Sub-Saharan Africa Arab States South/West Asia Central/Eastern Europe Central Asia East Asia Pacific Latin America Caribbean N. America West. Europe Net enrolment ratios in primary education (%) 1999 2004 Almost all countries with ratios below 85% in 1999 improved their situation Abbréviations col gauche
77 million children still not in school
Half in sub- Saharan Africa One-third in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Ethiopia Drop of 20 million since 1999, mainly in South Asia The 77 million figure includes children who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary school. Previous measures cited in the report looked at out of primary school only. Four countries are home to the largest numbers of out of school children Notes Slide 7a India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Ethiopia are the four countries (22.8 million OOS) Important to note large reduction in India between 2002 and 2004
Out-of-school children by schooling experience
Who is out-of-school? Children in rural, poor households with uneducated mothers Out-of-school children by schooling experience
Too few pupils complete primary school
In addition to increasing access, improving retention is a key to reducing out-of-school children 20 40 60 80 100 Rwanda Burundi Lesotho Madagascar Ghana Swaziland Benin Niger Togo Eritrea Mali Cape Verde Cameroon Mauritius Mauritania Morocco Saudi Algeria Lebanon Oman Kuwait Mongolia Azerbaijan Tajikistan Kazakhstan Lao P. D. Myanmar Nepal Bangladesh Nicaragua Ecuador Guatemala Colombia Panama Bolivia Dominica Costa Rica Barbados Belarus Survival rates to last grade (%) Cohort completion rates (%) Est-il possible de retourner le graphique à la verticale?? Survival rates to last grade: the median for developing countries is below 80% Survival rates close to or above 90% in most Arab States except Mauritania (69%) and Morocco (76%) and Yemen (67%) LAC: less than 83% in majority of countries despite high level of access and school completion SSA: fewer than two-thirds of students reach the last grade in a majority of countries SWA: School retention low in several countries with data available (Bangladesh and Nepal for ex).
Quality: Learning assessments increasing
Ever more governments are carrying out national assessments of learning outcomes and taking part in international exercises
Needed: more trained teachers
Slight improvement in pupil-teacher ratios in most regions between 1999 and 2004 Only slight increase in % of trained teachers Sub-Saharan Africa needs to recruit between 2.4 and 4 million teachers to reach UPE by 2015 Serious teacher shortages in rural areas Too few female teachers in countries with low enrolment of girls
Progress towards gender parity
About two-thirds of countries out of 181 with data have achieved gender parity in primary education Only one-third of countries have achieved parity at the secondary level Gender parity Primary education 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 GPI in GER Sub-Saharan Arab States South/West Latin America Centr./East. N. America/ Central Asia East Asia/ Africa Asia Caribbean Europe West. Europe Pacific Gender parity 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1999 2004 Secondary education GPI in GER Centr./East. Sub-Saharan Arab States South/West Latin America N. America/ Central Asia East Asia/ Africa Asia Caribbean Europe West. Europe Pacific
Secondary under pressure
Participation increasing, mainly at lower secondary level Large gaps between lower and upper secondary in some regions 30 51 73 66 86 90 101 40 80 120 Sub-Saharan Africa South/West Asia East Asia/Pacific Arab States Lat. America/ Caribbean Central Asia Central/East. Europe N. America/ West. Europe Gross enrolment ratio 2004 (%) Lower secondary Total secondary Upper secondary The number of children out of school in the poorest 20% of household is more than triple than in the richest. Burundi abolished primary school fees in 2005; 500,000 additional children arrived to enrol on the first day of school. In Swaziland, which has the world’s highest prevalence of HIV and AIDS, the government allocated US$7.5 million in 2004 to orphans and other vulnerable children attending primary and secondary education. Enrolment has remained steady and dropout decreased. Brazil’s Bolsa Familia (formerly Bolsa Escola) programme provides income support to poor families based on conditions such as school attendance. The programme reaches over 5 million children. The Baljyothi programme in Andhra Pradesh, the state with largest number of working children in India, runs 250 schools (31,000 students) located in slums. The programme is a successful example of government-NGO collaboration. The Gambia Girls’ Scholarship Trust Fund provides full scholarships for tuition, books and examination fees to one-third of girls in schools with low enrolment and to 10% of girls excelling in science, mathematics and technology. More than 16,000 girls are taking part. The Educatodos programme in Honduras targets students and adults who have not completed nine years of basic education. Half a million students are enrolled in the primary school programme. Highlights are easily accessible learning centres, relevant content, flexible schedules and strong community support.In Uruguay a special inclusive education fund assists regular schools in integrating children with disabilities. Some 39,000 children have benefited.
Literacy remains elusive
One in five adults – 781 million – lack basic literacy skills The vast majority live in South and West Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia The increase since 2004 (771 million) due to previously unavailable data for Afghanistan and changes in population estimates One in five adults One in four adult women
Overall: Where do we stand?
Out of 125 countries, 47 have achieved the 4 most quantifiable goals. Countries showing the greatest progress are in the lowest scoring group Index excludes many countries far from goals, e.g. those in conflict Far from EFA (EDI below 0.80) Intermediate position (EDI between 0.80 and 0.94) EFA achieved or close 0.95 and 1.00) 50 28 2 18 1 3 6 11 4 8 19 47 15 17 Sub-Saharan Africa Arab States Central Asia East Asia/Pacific South and West Asia N. America /West. Europe Latin America/Caribbean Central/Eastern Europe EDI footnote The EFA Development Index (EDI), introduced in the 2003/4 Report, provides a summary measure of a country’s situation vis-à-vis four EFA goals: universal primary education (UPE), adult literacy, gender and quality of education. The data are insufficiently standardized to include early childhood care and education (goal 1) and the learning needs of youth and adults (goal 3). Each of the four goals is represented by a proxy indicator.[1] The EDI is a simple average of the four indicators; it varies between 0 and 1, with 1 representing EFA achievement. [1] UPE: total primary net enrolment ratio; adult literacy: literacy rate for persons aged 15 and over; gender parity and equality: the gender-specific EFA index; quality of education: survival rate to grade 5. Pages 64 and 65 of full report 125 countries with data – this is why other countries are missing Total
EFA: A financing gap remains
Required each year to reach EFA Aid in 2010 if 2005 pledges met Current aid All in Constant 2003 US$ billions
Tackling disadvantage
Poverty keeps children out of school Offsetting poverty and disadvantage Abolish school fees Grants and scholarships for children of marginalized groups Better opportunities for children with disabilities; mainstreaming Incentives and community-based efforts to overcome need for child labour Second chances Bridging programmes for youth and adults lacking formal schooling Youth and adult literacy programmes Programmes in post-conflict situations Policies to overcome barriers to education are in place in many countries but need to be expanded The number of children out of school in the poorest 20% of household is more than triple than in the richest. Burundi abolished primary school fees in 2005; 500,000 additional children arrived to enrol on the first day of school. In Swaziland, which has the world’s highest prevalence of HIV and AIDS, the government allocated US$7.5 million in 2004 to orphans and other vulnerable children attending primary and secondary education. Enrolment has remained steady and dropout decreased. Brazil’s Bolsa Familia (formerly Bolsa Escola) programme provides income support to poor families based on conditions such as school attendance. The programme reaches over 5 million children. The Baljyothi programme in Andhra Pradesh, the state with largest number of working children in India, runs 250 schools (31,000 students) located in slums. The programme is a successful example of government-NGO collaboration. The Gambia Girls’ Scholarship Trust Fund provides full scholarships for tuition, books and examination fees to one-third of girls in schools with low enrolment and to 10% of girls excelling in science, mathematics and technology. More than 16,000 girls are taking part. The Educatodos programme in Honduras targets students and adults who have not completed nine years of basic education. Half a million students are enrolled in the primary school programme. Highlights are easily accessible learning centres, relevant content, flexible schedules and strong community support.In Uruguay a special inclusive education fund assists regular schools in integrating children with disabilities. Some 39,000 children have benefited.
Why the ECCE goal? Young children under threat
Failure to meet children’s basic needs today has long term repercussions tomorrow Child born in developing world has 40% chance of living in extreme poverty 10.5 million children die each year before age 5, most from preventable diseases Almost one-third of children in developing countries are moderately or severely stunted High under-5 mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa and South/West Asia Each day 1,800 children are infected with HIV Children living in emergencies, conflict and post-conflict situations are highly vulnerable High under 5 mortality rate in SSA: 176 children per 1,000 live births, 101 in South and West Asia More than one-quarter of children under 5 in sub-Saharan Africa are moderately or severely underweight
ECCE Rationale: a right and strong foundations for progress
“Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children” Rights UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Development Poverty reduction and the MDG health and education goals Education Future participation and achievement Equity Reducing social inequalities UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely ratified human rights treaty Commits countries to guarantee survival, protection and care of children
Thinking comprehensively
Holistic ECCE programmes encompass: Nutrition Nutrition Health and hygiene Physical and emotional development Social skills Education Physical, emotional and learning disabilities; Children in emergencies; Working children in exploitative conditions; Malnourished and undernourished children; Street children, orphans, children in institutions; Children affected by HIV/AIDS; Linguistic, ethnic, cultural minority and indigenous; Migrant and nomad children Unregistered children
Country definitions of disadvantage and vulnerability
Working children in exploitative conditions Malnourished and undernourished children Linguistic, ethnic, cultural minorities and indigenous groups Unregistered children Migrant and nomad children Children with physical, emotional or learning disabilities Street children Orphans, children in institutions Children in emergencies, conflict situations Children affected by HIV/AIDS Children living in remote areas Physical, emotional and learning disabilities; Children in emergencies; Working children in exploitative conditions; Malnourished and undernourished children; Street children, orphans, children in institutions; Children affected by HIV/AIDS; Linguistic, ethnic, cultural minority and indigenous; Migrant and nomad children Unregistered children
Nutrition and education reinforce each other
Undernutrition in the early years has lasting consequences: Extra iron, nutrition, deworming treatments and psycho-social stimulation have major impact on cognitive outcomes Interventions combining nutrition and education have larger and longer-lasting impact than ones limited to nutrition alone Participation in early childhood programmes: improves access to primary school improves language development leads to lower repetition and higher marks in primary school
Acting early pays off ‘It is a rare public policy initiative that promotes fairness and social justice and at the same time promotes productivity in the economy and in society at large. Investing in disadvantaged young children is such a policy.’ James Heckman, Nobel prizewinner in economics Most rigorous studies on benefits of specific programmes come from developed countries Landmark U.S. High/Scope Perry study showed higher IQ at age 5; enhanced success at school and higher earning at age 40 of low-income African-American children Research on programmes in India, Egypt, Colombia, Bolivia shows high returns High/Scope Perry study carried out in the 1960s. A longitudinal study that followed participants and a control group through to age 40 Disadvantaged and vulnerable children stand to benefit most from early childhood programmes
ECCE provision: A diverse field
Informal care and child rearing Organized care and education Providers Government (national, regional, local), private providers (non-profit and for-profit), international and national non-governmental organizations, community-based organization Informal provision of care for children aged 0 to 8, by parents or extended family, mainly at home but sometimes in other family or community settings. Primary education (age 7 up) ECCE policies and programmes for ages 3 and up -pre-primary education -non-formal education ECCE policies and programmes for ages 0 to 2 -organized care and education -non-formal care or education -parental leave
Countries classified according to % of private pre-primary enrolment
A public-private mix Across the developing world, the private sector plays a prominent role Region Countries classified according to % of private pre-primary enrolment Low (0 to 32%) Medium (33 to 66%) High (67 to 100%) Sub-Saharan Africa 8 7 12 Arab States 3 4 13 Central Asia East Asia and the Pacific 5 6 South and West Asia 1 2 Latin America/Caribbean 19 North America/West. Europe 11 Central and Eastern Europe 18 0 0 Total countries 76 34 45 To countries in each category, p. 132 of the full report in English, chapter 6.
Programmes for the under-3s
Many countries lack programmes addressing health, nutrition, care and education needs of the under 3s, a critical period in their lives Countries with at least one programme for children under 3 in 2005 (%)
Regional trends in pre-primary education
A three-fold increase in pre-primary enrolments over 30 years Developed/transition countries Latin America/Caribbean East Asia/Pacific South and West Asia Arab States Sub-Saharan Africa The dotted line signifies a break in the data series (new classification). See chapter 6. Low participation in sub-Saharan Africa, South/West Asia, and Arab States Still need to change the years and there’s a spelling mistake – I can’t change because it’s an image – have to call fadila
Recovering lost ground in transition countries
Public spending cuts led to sharp enrolment declines after 1989. Enrolment rates in pre-primary education are on the rise again in most countries, with private providers becoming important players With a sharp decrease in government spending, enrolments fell sharply across Central Asia and in Central and Eastern Europe after They are starting to recover, with private providers becoming important players
Trends in pre-primary education in the Baltic States
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Net enrolment ratio (%) Estonia Latvia Lithuania
Pre-primary trends in Eastern Europe
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Net enrolment ratio (%) Czech Republic Hungary Poland Slovakia Bulgaria Romania
Pre-primary trends in CIS-Eastern Europe
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Net enrolment ratio (%) Belarus Rep. Moldova Russian Fed. Ukraine
Pre-primary trends in Central Europe
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Net enrolment ratio (%) Albania Bosnia/Herz. Croatia Slovenia TFYR Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro
Pre-primary trends in CIS-Central Asia
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Net enrolment ratio (%) Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan
Which factors limit ECCE attendance?
Poverty Large gaps in access between richest and poorest households Lack of mother’s secondary education Place of residence Rural enrolment 10 to 30 percentage points lower than urban Lack of centre close to home Lack of birth certificate, often reflecting marginalization Gender disparities small, but may increase with expansion
Poverty limits access Higher attendance for children from
20 40 60 80 Niger D. R. Congo U. R. Tanzania Lao PDR Tajikistan Uganda Rwanda Senegal Egypt Bolivia Myanmar Azerbaijan Madagascar Sierra Leone Philippines Cameroon Kenya Nicaragua Mongolia Haiti Lesotho India Venezuela Viet Nam Colombia Trinidad/Tobago Attendance rates (%) Higher attendance for children from richer households Attendance rates for three and four year olds. Poorer households Richer households
pre-primary education
The gender factor Gender parity line 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Arab States Central/East. Europe Central Asia East Asia/ Pacific South/West Asia N. America/ West. Europe Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America/ Caribbean The gender gap in early childhood programmes is small in most countries Programmes relieve older sisters from caring for the youngest, a common barrier to girls’ schooling Programmes can promote different values through pedagogy, teaching and play Most chidlren enrolled from wealthier households GPI in GER in pre-primary education
Drivers for ECCE Historical forces
Industrialization and demand for women workers From private charity to public responsibility More women at work outside agriculture Strongly associated with participation in pre-school programmes Migration and urbanization Changing household structures Fewer extended families More one-parent households Research on child development Female labour force participation rates in 2005: 55% in East Asia, South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and about 50% in Latin America and the Caribbean. Considerably lower in South Asia (35%) and the Arab States (28%). Research in child development, in particular in neurobiology (brain development), psychology, cognitive sciences
Early childhood is still not a priority in many countries
Why the neglect? Early childhood is still not a priority in many countries Role of the family and private initiatives vs role of the state Diversity of sector makes government coordination difficult Child development research results not well known Lack of rigorous studies in developing countries Governments prioritize primary education International aid focuses on other education levels Difficult to coordinate multiple actors both in public and private sectors
Strong policies for young children: What is needed?
Top-level political endorsement A national early childhood policy bringing together multiple stakeholders A lead agency to coordinate early childhood policies Integration in national development plans and poverty reduction programs Quality: staffing, training and standards for all providers Partnerships with NGOs, the private sector and international agencies Financing: higher spending, targeting and more international aid
Quality programmes The quality of interaction between child and carer is the single most important determinant of a successful ECCE programme Better training and support for ECCE teachers Continuity between pre-primary and primary Mother tongue learning for language development Bridges between home, early childhood activities and primary school Working with parents directly on care, nutrition and development Minimum standards covering all forms of provision Gender values Latin American countries have national quality standards for ECCE programme
Financing ECCE: Finding the balance
How to allocate limited resources to children most in need? Funding is public and private Less than 10% of public education spending goes to pre-primary Even in OECD countries, parents’ share can run up to 60% Universal coverage + extra support to disadvantaged children (OECD) Income targeting Geographical targeting (remote areas,urban slums) Targeting specific groups: disabled, those in emergency situations Targeting can lead to concentration of disadvantage A universal policy with targeted spending on most disadvantaged?
ECCE: A low priority for donors
Almost all donors allocate to pre-primary less than 10% of what they give to primary Bilateral donors give priority to centre- based programmes for children from age 3 Si tu pouvais enlever Austria et Greece Dans la légende, Aid to ECCE Austria and Greece are excluded. See main report figure xx
Action Now! EFA Progress is clear but more sustained efforts and a more comprehensive approach is urgently needed Act on all goals: early childhood, literacy, gender and UPE Act with urgency Emphasize equity and inclusion Increase public spending and focus it better Increase aid and allocate it where most needed Move ECCE up national and international agendas Increase public financing for ECCE and target it Upgrade the EECE workforce
EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
Contact Information EFA Global Monitoring Report Team c/o UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 France
Education finance: A mixed picture
Number of countries where public expenditure on education as % of GNP has: Fadila: Decreased Increased – d majuscule, I majuscule Decreased ( dans une autre couleur Pour racourcir: South/W.Asia Lat. Am/Carrib. N. America/W. Europe Central/East. Europe ou E. Europe 106 countries have data for 1999 and 2004. Public spending on education as share of GNP increased in two-thirds of 106 countries with 1999 and 2004 data, in some cases by 30% or more. Share fell in Latin America in 12 out of 21 countries with data, and South and West Asia (three out of five with data) 41 65
Aid to basic education: On the increase
Total aid to basic education in low-income countries almost doubled between 2000 and 2004 Total aid to education Total aid to basic education Total aid to basic education sur une ligne $1.8 billion in 2000 to $3.4 billion in 2004 in low-income countries reaching the EFA goals will cost $11 billion. Constant 2003 US$ billions
Different donors, different priorities
Five donors contribute 72% of all bilateral aid to education Several donors give high priority to education, but not to the basic level Au lieu de pourcentage la somme
The Fast Track Initiative: not yet a global compact
Twenty-three country plans have been endorsed, and a further twelve are expected by the end of 2006 So far, US$96 million has been disbursed to 11 countries Total donor contributions amount to almost US$230 million; a further US$450 million pledged to end 2007 The Netherlands, the European Commission and the United Kingdom are responsible for 85% of future pledges
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