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Brushing Mrs. Salvati.

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Presentation on theme: "Brushing Mrs. Salvati."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brushing Mrs. Salvati

2 When should the groomer brush the pet?
Before the bath – removes any unwanted hair and mats (knots) After the bath – makes hair neat and fluffy and removes unwanted hair and mats When should the owner brush their pet? Depending on hair coat – Daily – every couple of days

3 Goal Brush dog so that all hair appears neat, fluffy and there are no mats.

4 Check for fleas Use flea comb – Comb through hair with flea comb, evaluate hair for fleas or flea dirt (poop) Part hair with fingers and look for fleas or flea dirt (looks like pepper) Fleas tend to congregate behind ears, belly, rump area

5 Evaluate the coat – determine type and condition
Feel for mats and extra thickness in coat Choose the best brush for the coat type you are working with, including if coat is shaved down. _____________ ______________ _______________ ____________

6 Holding the brush Hold the handle Keep wrist flexible
Use the entire pad of the brush It’s a pat and pull motion Do NOT cause Brush Burn – irritation to skin caused by brushing the skin, using to much force or using incorrect brush

7 All coats except smooth – Line Brush
Start with legs and work your way up Create a line with one hand, brush below the line completely around the leg. Do not move up until brush runs through without any resistance. Continue up the body using a system Clean out brush as it gets hair in it

8 Smooth Coat Use Curry comb Brush in circles and then straight lines
Use a system, start at top working your way Down so that you do not miss any areas.

9 Name: ______________________ Brushing Questions
When should you brush the dog? ___________________________ What is the goal of brushing? ______________________________ _________________________________________________________ What is flea dirt and what does it look like? _______________________________________________________ What is the motion when you are brushing? __________________ What is Line brushing? ___________________________________

10 Name: ________________
Dog#1 _______________ Dog#4 - _________________ Coat type _____________ Coat type - ____________ Best Brush to use ______________ Best Brush - ___________ Dog#2 __________________ Coat type ______________ Best brush to use ____________ Dog #3 __________________ Coat type __________________

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