HMS Consortiwm Consortium INSET

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1 HMS Consortiwm Consortium INSET
Datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd Developing literacy skills Addysg Gorfforol Celf DT TGCh

2 Nodau ac Amcanion y Cwrs:
Sicrhau bod llythrennedd yn cyfrannu’n effeithiol at godi safonau PWNC. Aims Ensuring that literacy contributes effectively towards raising SUBJECT standards. Amcanion Cynllunio cyfleoedd ar gyfer datblygu llythrennedd yn y pwnc – ystyried tasg, gosod cyd-destun, ysgogi disgyblion ac asesu ar gyfer dysgu. Treialu a rhannu strategaethau dysgu ac addysgu effeithiol Rhannu arferion ac adnoddau da Hunan arfarnu safonau (siarad a gwrando / darllen / ysgrifennu) Objectives Planning opportunities to develop literacy in the subject - considering tasks, assessment, context and stimulus. Trialling and sharing effective teaching and learning strategies. Sharing good practice and resources. Self evaluation of standards (speaking and listening / reading / writing).

3 Nodau ac Amcanion y Cwrs:
Deilliannau Outcomes Adnabod agweddau o lythrennedd sydd angen sylw yn y pwnc. Cynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau sy'n datblygu sgiliau pwnc a sgiliau llythrennedd Disgyblion yn arddangos sgiliau llythrennedd effeithiol a throsglwyddadwy yn eu pynciau Gwella gallu’r adrannau i hunan arfarnu. Identifying aspects of literacy that need attention in the subject. Planning and implementing activities that develop subject skills and literacy skills. Pupils displaying improved and transferrable literacy skills within ICT Improve departmental self- evaluation skills.

4 Cynllunio’r hyfforddiant Planning the training
Beth oedd yn ein wynebu? Her / Sialens Arbenigedd? Sut i ennyn brwdfrydedd staff? Perthnasedd i fy mhwnc i? Beth yw’r disgwyliadau? Lle dwi’n dechrau? Amser paratoi v Gwerth am arian? What were we facing? Challenge Expertise? How to enthuse staff? Relevance to my subject? What are the expectations Where do I start Preparation time v Value for money?

5 Cynllunio’r hyfforddiant Planning the training
Prif Negeseuon Key Messages Pwysigrwydd i athrawon weld budd mewn gwella’u darpariaeth i godi safonau pynciol. Dim ‘sioe’ lythrennedd ar gyfer gwers a gaiff ei arsylwi! Arweiniad, profiad a Hunan Arfarnu yn adnabod cyfleoedd ac agweddau i’w datblygu – CDA Importance for teachers to see the benefit in improving provision to raise subject standards. No ‘put on’ literacy lesson specifically for observations Guidance, experience and Self- Evaluation to identify opportunities and areas for development - DDP

6 Paratoi yr hyfforddiant Preparing for the training
Camau cyntaf! Arweiniad mewnol yn CYNNAL gan arbenigwyr (ED + GD) Sesiwn hyfforddiant fel Tim Llawn Cydweithio a chydgynllunio’r hyfforddiant Cefnogaeth unigol – ymateb i sawl ymholiad Cael syniadau ac adborth gan gydweithwyr mewn pynciau cyffelyb MODEL LLWYDDIANNUS! First Steps! Internal guidance by specialists within CYNNAL (ED + GD) Training session for the Team Collaboration and joint planning Individual support – response to several questions Getting ideas and feedback from colleagues in similar subjects A SUCCESSFUL MODEL

7 Cynllunio’r hyfforddiant...
Rhesymau pam? Cydnabod y ffaith fod Llythrennedd yn flaenoriaeth cenedlaethol Mae’n flaenoriaeth gan ESTYN tra’n arolygu ysgolion - strategaeth ac arweiniad wedi ei ddarparu Ffocws / blaenoriaeth gan bob ysgol Reasons why? Recognise the fact that literacy is a national priority vgfdgvfdxgxfdg It is an ESTYN priority whilst inspecting schools - strategy and guidance has been provided A focus / priority in all schools


9 Tasgau cyffredin Common Tasks Oes angen datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd o fewn ein hadran? Do the literacy skills of pupils in our department need to be developed? Trafodwch hyn fel adran a defnyddiwch eich bwrdd gwyn bach i nodi y sgiliau llythrennedd penodol y buaswch yn hoffi gweld yn cael eu datblygu. Discuss this as a department and use your mini whiteboard to record the specific literacy skills you would like to see developed.

10 Termau DT / DT Terms Trafod / Discussion
Darllen testun a chywain (casglu) gwybodaeth Reading text and gather information Brawddegu cywir / Correct sentences Sillafu / Spelling Termau DT / DT Terms Siarad yn y dosbarth Speaking in class Trafod / Discussion

11 Trosolwg Pynciol – prif bwyntiau’r HMS Subject Overview - main INSET points
GWEITHREDU – TIM UWCHRADD Pob pwnc yn crynhoi cynnwys eu cyrsiau ar dempled Enghraifft

12 Trosolwg Pynciol – prif bwyntiau’r HMS Subject Overview - main INSET points
Gweithgaredd Marchnad Adborth o HMS y pynciau canlynol: DT TGCh Ieithoedd Modern Tramor Dyniaethau Addysg Gorfforol

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