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Electricity Generation- reading

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1 Electricity Generation- reading

2 Lesson Objective: How is electricity generated by renewable and nonrenewable sources and how do they effect our environment? Homework: Write a paragraph explaining why you think the US uses mostly coal to generate electricity. Do Now: How does your home get electricity?

3 Renewable and Nonrenewable resources

4 How do we get electricity in the US?

5 How is coal being used to generate electricity?

6 Work Period Each group will get an energy source
Read your sources, highlight or underline key ideas, and answer the guiding questions. Compare your answers with the rest of your group. Plan how you want to present your findings.

7 Closing: Can you think of additional information you want the audience to know about your energy source?

8 Do Now: What do you think an “energy exhibit” is?
Lesson Objective: How is electricity generated by renewable and nonrenewable sources and how do they effect our environment? Homework: Write a paragraph explaining how machines are used to generate electricity. Do Now: What do you think an “energy exhibit” is? noun an object or collection of objects on public display in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. "the museum is rich in exhibits

9 We will have an “Energy Exhibit” on renewable energy sources.

10 Closing: Group Quiz Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and propane are fossil fuels. They are called fossil fuels because: they are burned to release energy and they cause air pollution they were formed from the buried remains of plants and tiny animals that lived hundred of millions of years ago they are nonrenewable and will run out

11 2. Solar, biomass, geothermal, wind, and hydropower energy are all renewable sources of energy. They are called renewable because they are clean and free to use can be converted directly into heat and electricity can be replenished by nature in a short period of time do not produce air pollution

12 2. Electrical energy can be produced from
mechanical energy chemical energy radiant energy all of the above

13 Lesson Objective: How is electricity generated by renewable and nonrenewable sources and how do they effect our environment? Do Now: Describe how you will contribute to your group project (energy poster) today. I will contribute to my group project by….


15 Closing: Answer the following questions in your notes:
1. How are machines used to generate electricity from renewable and non renewable sources? (hint: think about simple/complex machines we discussed and how electricity is generated.) 2. How do renewable and non renewable energy sources effect the environment? (hint: think about the discussion we had on the advantages and disadvantages of renewable/nonrenewable energy.

16 Lesson Objective: How can we engage in an energy exhibit and assess our peer’s work?
Do Now: Describe how a gallery walk should look like and sound like.

17 7 minutes in each station

18 Handout:

19 Closing: Share Out If you were to choose only one energy source to power a city, which one would it be? Why would you choose this one over all the other renewable sources? What factors will you consider before making your choice?

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