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RISK FACTOR Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease or other negative outcome.

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Presentation on theme: "RISK FACTOR Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease or other negative outcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 RISK FACTOR Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease or other negative outcome.

2 Michael Phelps Should he be punished?




6 What would you do? You get the following text on a Friday Night:
A bunch of us are going swimming 2nite at the lake. Nate is bringing a 12 pack. Pick u up at 8.

7 DID YOU… What would you do? What is your thought process?
What are the possible consequences? Weigh the risks vs. the benefits? Did you think of alternatives??? Is the risk within your control?

Physical Environment Social Environment Cultural Environment

9 HEREDITY All the traits that are passed biologically from mother to child. Can you name some characteristics in common with family members?

10 HOMEWORK Search to find a history of family illness.
Look as far back as possible…great grandparents. Search the 3 areas of well being: Physical: Cancer; heart disease Mental: Anxiety; bi-polar Social: Drug addiction. A good place to start would be to ask your parents. Write the name of the illness on a piece of paper.

11 FYI Basic intellectual abilities and tendencies toward specific diseases can be inherited… Muscular Dystrophy (muscles deteriorate gradually). Unavoidable and can limit the level of WELLNESS that a person can achieve. High Blood Pressure, diabetes and breast cancer do not cause problems by themselves. The disease may never develop unless certain risk factors are also present.

The sum total of your environment: Where you grew up Where you live now And all of your experiences… Includes all the places that you go on a given day, the physical conditions in which you live and the people in your life as well as cultural.

Air Quality – smog/smoke Pollutants Poisonous waste Radiation from sun Loud noises & street safety INDOOR: Lead & asbestos Electrical safety Fire Detectors School safety

14 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Includes your family and others with whom you come in daily contact.
Family: 1ST to teach you about health habits…washing hands, brushing teeth, eating correctly; sharing feelings. Peers who are supportive and loyal can help you grow mentally and socially. Peers can take part in unhealthy activities an put pressure on you

15 CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT Beliefs, customs and patterns of behaviors of a group that are passed on from generation to generation. Language, food preference; traditions Some health goals conflict with culture beliefs. EXAMPLES? Sometimes you are not aware of the characteristics of your culture until you come in contact with another culture…accent, taking off shoes in homes or eating meat vs. no meat.

16 Risk Factors: Behavioral The decisions that you make each day.
You may not be able to control your heredity or your physical environment…BUT you can control your own behavior! Should you go swimming with your friends? Should you smoke? Should you stay up all night to study? Most things you do have some inherent risk…how do you decide which risks are worth taking? The way that you choose to act in your environment and with your inherited abilities has a very important impact on who you are.



19 How can you DECIDE which risks are worth taking?
EXAMINE & WEIGH Possible risks? Possible benefits? How to reduce risk of injury? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

20 DECIDE METHOD The DECIDE acronym can be used to help you make important decisions: D = Define the Problem E = Examine the Alternatives C= Consider the Consequences I = Identify your Values & Goals D = Decide E = Evaluate

21 Think of a recent problem you have had to deal with.
DO NOW Think of a recent problem you have had to deal with. Use the DECIDE method to help you weigh the risks vs. benefits and come to a decision. Make sure that you consider all the alternatives (pros/cons), all the consequences (pos/neg) and all your values and goals. Use additional paper if needed The DECIDE acronym can be used to help you make important decisions: - D = E = C= I = D =

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