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NBA Basketball By Mr. Brower with help from the rest of the class.

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Presentation on theme: "NBA Basketball By Mr. Brower with help from the rest of the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 NBA Basketball By Mr. Brower with help from the rest of the class.
Include all of your team members names NBA Basketball By Mr. Brower with help from the rest of the class.

2 Does height of a basketball player affect their free throw percentage?
Write down the question. Does height of a basketball player affect their free throw percentage?

3 Give us a little background behind your question (Why did you pick it
Give us a little background behind your question (Why did you pick it?, What were you hoping to find? Etc.) At least one paragraph. There seems to be a myth that the taller the basketball player the worse they shoot at free throws. When I watch basketball it seems to be true.

4 Where did you get your data. Include a link
Where did you get your data? Include a link. Is the web site(s) you got your data from reliable? (Take a screen shot of the web page or provide a link and take us there briefly)

5 Include your data. Show me all of your data
Include your data. Show me all of your data. Put it in a table if possible. Share a link indicating where you got the data. 122 data points in total

6 Analyze your data (put your data into a pie/bar/scatter chart - what ever is appropriate) Use Excel or something equivalent.

7 Analyze your data (put your data into a pie/bar/scatter chart - what ever is appropriate) Use Excel or something equivalent. There seems to be a trend with the average free throw percent going down with height

8 Conclusion (This is not telling the audience you were "right" or "wrong". This is convincing us, the jury, as if you are in a courtroom. We don't care if you were right or wrong. We just want to hear your evidence.) At least one paragraph. There were some interesting trends with the raw data. I had to leave out all basketball players that were over seven feet one inch because there were only three players reported that were above that height. The same problem existed with players below six feet. There were not enough players to include them. It is this extreme group of tall players that I would of liked to of had included.



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