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Presentation on theme: "CURRICULUM NIGHT 2016 WELCOME!"— Presentation transcript:

IMS 6th Grade Language Arts

2 My Background Seattle area 20 years
Certified Teacher: Middle Level Humanities & 9th-12th Grade English and German Issaquah School District--IMS

3 Why do I teach? I want to provide ALL students with the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to ensure a rich and fulfilling future. I want to inspire them to achieve their very best each day and to view learning as a lifelong endeavor. FORMULA FOR SUCCESS: Confidence + Hard Work + Perseverance “I can do this/I got this” attitude fostered by positive classroom environment. Being a hard worker can make up for weaknesses in other areas and will allow you to achieve success. Perseverance is a life skill—the greatest learning moments are the ones that include setbacks that you overcome and don’t give up on.

4 Classroom Community Students create “IMS Way” classroom matrix:
Be Safe, Be Respectful & Kind, Be Responsible. Students will feel safe and cared about in my classroom. They will have a voice—their opinions and feelings matter! If they help create the “rules,” they take ownership of them on a daily basis.

5 Language Arts Newly adopted reading and writing curriculum
Aligned with Common Core State Standards Research shows that one of the key factors related to success in reading and writing is providing students CHOICE.

6 WORKSHOP MODEL Components Skill-Based Mini Lessons
Choice of books & writing topics Great deal of time for practice Individual or small group conferring

7 READER’S WORKSHOP Skill development lessons Vocabulary Discussions
Journaling (Written or Graphic) for reading comprehension & text analysis

8 READER’S WORKSHOP Choice of books for each unit
Range of reading levels and interests Common focus or theme

“READ LIKE A WRITER” Generate & Select Ideas--CHOICE Collect Information & Draft Revise & Edit Publish Apply strategies of mentor texts to their own work/writing

10 Language Arts Independent Reading 10 minutes most class periods
Encourage reading at home Variety of ways students will “interact” with their text STAR test to determine reading level--they can read whatever they like, even at a lower level—because the point of this is to love reading. They will be challenged with the texts that are a part of the curriculum.

11 Language Arts Vocabulary Greek and Latin Roots SAT vocabulary cartoons
Vocabulary strategies Presented Mondays--Quiz Fridays Vocabulary strategies: Break word into parts and context clues

12 Language Arts Trimester I Freak the Mighty Interactive Read Aloud
Reading Informational Text--Scope Writing Narrative (Smarter Balanced Rubric) CCSS—citing evidence, graded discussions

13 Language Arts Trimester II Reading Workshop: Humor
Reading Informational Text--Scope Writing Feature Article/Expository Writing Research Smarter Balanced Rubric Complex, informational text

14 Language Arts Trimester III Reading Workshop: Hero’s Journey
Reading Informational Text--Scope Writing Argumentative/Persuasive (Smarter Balanced Rubric) Argument/Persuasive techniques—writing and speaking

15 Language Arts Speaking and Listening
Individual and Group Presentations Graded Discussions Collaborative Work Discussion Etiquette, Prepare ahead of time and have “cheat sheet,” Practice Rounds, Listening, Question Stems

16 Reading Strategies Notice and Note Fiction Signposts
Contrasts and Contradictions Aha moments Tough Questions character raises Words of the Wiser Again and Again

17 Homework IMS policy: 10-15 minutes per class
Finishing up any class work (most days ample time for this) Posted on website Reading (Encourage at least 20 minutes)

18 Classroom Website Daily Blog
Class work and homework—great place to go if absent Files (Important Documents) Syllabus, Major Assignments Links

19 How can you help? Quiet place to study without interruptions (no cell phone, no TV) Be sure your child is recording homework and due dates in planner Check website for essay, project, and test dates—help student learn to organize/manage time (use student planner)

20 Contact Information and Extra Help CONTACT: Phone: Leave message on voice mail: EXTRA HELP: After school--Best to make appointment

21 Please complete the Parent Survey.

22 Thank you for coming! Write a short note to your child and I will leave it on their desk so that they see it when they come into class tomorrow


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