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Greek Mythology: Lecture 2

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1 Greek Mythology: Lecture 2

2 What is cosmogony? kosmos: the world/universe gignesthai: to be born
‘birth of the universe’ OR theory/myth/account of creation What creation myths do you know?

3 Hesiod C7th BC Boeotia Epic poems: Theogony (birth of the gods); Works & Days (creation of man, Pandora) Succession of generations: Primordial gods Titans Olympians Demigods/heroes Mankind

4 In the beginning…

5 Generational strife Gaia + Ouranos = Titans (hidden inside Earth)
180ff: Kronos castrates Ouranos at Gaia’s behest Blood = Furies, Giants, Ash-nymphs Foam in sea = Aphrodite

6 Round 2… Kronos + Rhea = Olympians: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus (swallowed by father) Rhea tricks Kronos into swallowing stone 617ff: Titanomachy 820ff: Gaia + Tartarus = Typhoeus Zeus wins & establishes timai (honours) of gods

7 Round 3… Zeus swallows Metis before she can produce a son = Athena
Marries/sleeps with many goddesses Zeus + Hera = Hebe, Ares, Eileithyia Hera = Hephaestus (parthenogenesis) 930ff: children of other Olympians 964ff: gods + mortals = heroes

8 Alternatives Archaic period: Classical period: Later
Homeric Hymns esp. to Hera Iliad (esp , , ) Classical period: Aristophanes Birds 683ff Plato Timaeus 40e Later Orphica 12 Hyginus Fabulae ‘preface’ (Latin) Philostratus WHY MIGHT DIFFERENT TEXTS GIVE DIFFERENT VERSIONS?

9 The Olympians

10 The Ages of Man Golden Age (in time of Kronos) Silver Age
Lived like gods Natural death Silver Age Hubris – refused to honour Olympians Zeus put them away Bronze Age, made of ash-trees Violent Destroyed themselves Demigods Godlike heroes Died at Thebes & Troy Iron Age (current generation) Doomed to labour & die

11 Significant features Creation of universe Generational strife
Role of female: force for change Separation of gods & men

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