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M Y T H O L G English 9B Mrs. Lux.

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Presentation on theme: "M Y T H O L G English 9B Mrs. Lux."— Presentation transcript:

1 M Y T H O L G English 9B Mrs. Lux

2 Defining Moments Mythology = the study of myths What are myths?
Stories about supernatural beings, in early times, handed down orally from one generation to another Collected from groups of people Like Greeks, Romans, Celts, etc.

3 Purpose of Myths To EXPLAIN Nature Man Gods Where did earth come from?
Where did man come from? Gods Where did the gods come from?

4 How do we know about myths?
LITERATURE Primary source of knowledge about ancient myths Virgil Homer – Iliad & Odyssey Hesiod Ovid

5 Why is mythology important?
Interesting Entertaining Shows how ancient people viewed their world Constant references to mythology all your life Allusions Literature, music, arts, advertising, history, language

6 Mt. Olympus Council of 13 gods Zeus Hera Hades Athena Hephaestus Ares
Apollo Hestia Poseidon Hades Hephaestus Artemis Hermes Aphrodite Demeter

7 Unit Focus Creation stories Hero study Research project Presentations
Comparing Greek heroes to modern heroes Research project Presentations Overall Focus Questions: What did you learn about Greek mythology? How and where does it apply today?

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