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Creation and Evolution of the Universe Hesiod’s Theogony.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation and Evolution of the Universe Hesiod’s Theogony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation and Evolution of the Universe Hesiod’s Theogony

2 Divine Dynastic Succession 1st generation: Gaia + Ouranos 2nd generation: Kronos + Rhea (Titans) 3rd generation: Zeus + Hera (1st generation Olympians) 4th generation: Children of Zeus (2nd generation Olympians)

3 Hesiod (ca. 700 B.C.) A farmer and poet from the region of Boeotia Theogony Works and Days

4 Theogony –Theo + gone = “birth of the gods” –Cosmogony: birth of the world-order –Divine Dynastic succession –Elaborate Hymn to Zeus –Oral Epic tradition –Near Eastern influence (e.g. Enuma Elish or Epic of Creation)

5 Features of Oral Epic Tradition dactylic hexameter repetition formulae and epithets ring-composition catalogues invocation of Muses

6 Muses Zeus + Mnemosyne (Memory) | Nine muses

7 The Beginning First only Chaos Then Gaia (Earth), Tartaros, Eros (Desire) Gaia produces Ouranos (Sky, Heaven), Mountains and Sea by asexual reproduction Mating with Ouranos, she produces the 12 Titans, the 3 Cyclopes and the 3 Hundred- Handed Ones Ouranos does not allow them to be born.

8 The Second Generation (Titans) Kronos castrates and overthrows his father Ouranos. Birth of Furies, Giants and Aphrodite Kronos and his sister Rheia mate, produce the 6 first- generation Olympians Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus Kronos swallows them

9 The Third Generation Rheia tricks Kronos and hides the baby Zeus in a cave on Crete. She gives Kronos a stone in swaddling clothes. Zeus grows up and overthrows his father, tricking him into vomiting up his siblings. The stone (omphalos) is placed at Pytho (Delphi).

10 Zeus Frees Cyclopes and Hundred-handed Ones, who were imprisoned by Ouranos Cyclopes give Zeus lightning-bolts Punishment of Prometheus and eventual glorification of Herakles Titanomachy (Battle with the Titans) Typhonomachy (Battle with Typhoios) As king of immortals, Zeus distributes roles and privileges.

11 The Divine Wives and Children of Zeus Metis (swallowed by Zeus, who then produces Athena from his head) Themis (Seasons, Justice, Fates) Eurynome (Graces) Demeter (Persephone) Mnemosyne (Muses) Leto (Apollo and Artemis) Hera (Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia) –Hera produces Hephaistos asexually Maia (Hermes) Semele* (Dionysus)

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