Baseball By: Dan Primiani.

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Presentation on theme: "Baseball By: Dan Primiani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseball By: Dan Primiani

2 Why baseball? Wanted to make a site for the baseball team
I’m really passionate about baseball Wanted to finish what I had started for HW4 Better organization Better design More in-depth

3 Goals of Website Create detailed player pages for each player
Create season preview pages for parents to read Excel Worksheet: Easy to see player stats Scouting report/What we need to work on

4 Problems? Linking – Making sure I linked the right pages to the right text Freeing space up on the Sampson server 137 different pictures, 42 web pages Time Deciding what ideas were feasible in the given time Not getting carried away with an idea that was too difficult to accomplish in the given time

5 Site Components Home Page Website Proposal Link to this presentation
’10 Season Stat Page (Excel Spreadsheet) ‘11 Season Preview Team Roster w/ Player Bios Link to Youtube movie: Baseball Rituals at Washington College (made for my Anthropology Class) Meet the Captains External Links to Websites of Interest

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