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By: Cassidy Bernstein.  To create and interesting and informative website about Irish Dancing  To use all of the skills that I have learned while taking.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cassidy Bernstein.  To create and interesting and informative website about Irish Dancing  To use all of the skills that I have learned while taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cassidy Bernstein

2  To create and interesting and informative website about Irish Dancing  To use all of the skills that I have learned while taking this class  To have fun while making the site

3  Making sure all of my button links worked properly  Coming up with an idea for my excel spreadsheet  Writing my Javascript photo gallery

4  I have been dancing for 12 years and since I started it has been a major part of my life  My entire family participates in Irish dancing in some form so I am very knowledgeable about the sport  To educate people about the reality of the sport of Irish Dance

5  I perfected my skills in Share point designer  Button links  Videos  Applets  I learned how to write a Javascript image gallery

6  Proposal  Info page  Video  Excel  Javascript gallery  Applet  Links

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