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Presentation on theme: "Groundwater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Groundwater

2 Aquifers -An aquifer is where groundwater is held in large quantities within material’s pore spaces. -Water table is the highest level of water in an aquifer.

3 Porosity and Permeability
- Porosity is the percentage of pore space in rock material. •Shape and size determine the space. Well-sorted material has higher porosity. - Permeability is the rate (cm/sec) that water can move through rock material.



6 Geysers and hot springs

7 Accessing Groundwater

8 Groundwater Use

9 Ogallala Aquifer

10 Soil Texture Greater than 2 mm = gravel/stones 0.05 – 2 mm = sand
0.002 – 0.05mm = silt Less than mm = clay

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