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UNMAS Syria Response.

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1 UNMAS Syria Response

2 CURRENT ACTIVITIES Traditional Clearance Non Traditional Clearance
Risk Education Development of and assistance for local capacities Victim Assistance Emergencies (within the emergency) Advocacy Cannot wait for the conflict to be over. The humanitarian impact of the use of explosive weapons is immense, and anecdotal evidence shows us the extent of accidents taking place. Ad hoc clearance efforts, why wait? Accidents are already taking place. Photo – A2.02 CM dangerous practice. Concept – Non explosive methods of destruction, equipment that has minimal military use. Counter terrorism legislation. Pairings of INGO and Syrian NGOs, training on border, deploy with remote mentoring. 2 x Risk Management workshops – outcomes. Trial starts 1st March, addition of the White Helmets Mayday pairing. Especially conscious of this work – links to livelihoods and reconstruction efforts. Why cluster munitions – easy to see, mostly surface and will build the confidence of the Syrians. This is the foundation for future clearance, for wider Syrian efforts.

3 PYROTECHNIC TORCHES This shows the process of the pyrotechnic torches. Electronically ignites, burns to 2000 degrees. Any residual explosives will pop. Use of a tyre to prevent fragmentation.

4 2016 SECTOR ACTIVITIES ‘Reduce exposure to the risk posed by explosive remnants’ 1). Data collection – accidents and hazardous areas. 2). Continuation of traditional clearance where access is available. 3). Expansion of non traditional clearance activities. 4). Formalisation of marking as an activity, non technical survey where possible. 5). Victim Assistance. 6). Advocacy related to the use of explosive weapons. 7). Impact of explosive hazards on besieged and hard to reach areas. 8). Continuation of expansion and reach of risk education and safety messaging. 9). Identification and training of additional local partners. 10). Bridge between stabilisation and humanitarian activities. Greater Coverage – Joint Programming – Quality Life Saving Interventions STRATEGY FOR SECTOR – COMING…. Better understand situation and needs. UNMAS bringing an IM person for the sub cluster. Database and consolidation. Kobane and surrounding villages. Geographically and thematically. UNICEF in Damascus. HI. Others. Middle ground between clearance and RE. Largely ignored. HI. 3D prosthetics. Link with the health cluster. More so from Jordan at request of OCHA. With OHCHR and the protection sector. Consultations with all sectors, linking into established networks, not be numbers obsessed. Grow the sector. More programming and service delivery. Lifesaving. Addressing vulnerabilities. Formalise the unregulated interventions. We do have challenges….. Keeping mine action as a priority. Technical issues related to Turkey and Jordan. Security environment. Equipment! Counter terrorism legislation. Funding – document with you. Anonymous. We will put you in touch with the relevant organisation. Farmers!

5 UNMAS Syria Response

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