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Social Media.

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1 Social Media

2 Easy Guidelines Social Media is a fun thing to have if used properly.
You don’t need social media to be “cool”. Not everyone has it, and not everyone needs it! Always remember that everything you post online will be there forever. So think wisely what you post. The number of “likes, favorites, and followers” you get/have do not matter in any way, shape, or form. Social Media is a place to express yourself and the number of “likes” you get doesn’t determine your friends, popularity, or well being.

3 Appropriate: Following your close friends and people you know.
Posting things that you would show to your grandma. Cause you’d be surprised at who will view social media (future employers, colleges, etc.) Having a private account. This means only your followers can see what you post. Public accounts are very easy to access and view.

4 Inappropriate: Posting anything you think is iffy or people might not like Using any bad words. It doesn’t make you cooler. Tweeting anything that might be viewed in the wrong way. Posting inappropriate pictures (you know what that means) On specifically twitter, don’t subtweet. (Talking about a certain person in a negative way without mentioning who they are) makes you look angry for no reason.

5 Snapchat Although it seems safe and personal,
snapchat can be an issue. Never send pictures you don’t think you should be sending(you know what that means). No matter the circumstances Screenshotting is a feature on most smartphones. Be aware. If used the right way it can be a fun time with friends!

6 Cyber Bullying For some terrible reason, bullying is strongly found on most social medias. Kids think it’s ok to be mean over the internet. When in reality it’s never ok to be mean. If you have ever found yourself being bullied please tell someone immediately. As well as that, don’t be the one who is bullying, this is a rising problem and more and more kids are being hurt due to this. DON’T BE THAT KID.

7 Wrap up Be aware of the pros and cons of social media.
If used in a good, safe manner, social media can be very fun. Things like groups and pages on Facebook can be very helpful, so social media can also be a major tool to keep up with your crazy lives. Communication is becoming more and more over social media so before you know it you probably will be online. Please ask us if you have questions!

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