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Unit 8: Cold War Cold War period after WW II-lasted from 1945-1991(a war of words not weapons)

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1 Unit 8: Cold War Cold War period after WW II-lasted from (a war of words not weapons)

2 Post war The United States and Great Britain had been allies of the USSR for one reason-to defeat Adolf Hitler. The two powers never trusted Stalin, they had not even told him about the atomic bomb. Stalin wanted the whole world to turn communists.

3 Iron Curtain Symbolic line that divided democratic Western Europe and Communistic Eastern Europe coined the term by Winston Churchill


5 Cold War Terms and Definitions: United States: Soviet Union:
Capitalism: Socialism: Private ownership of industry Freedom of competition Survival of the fittest Laissez-faire: government keeps “hands off” Creates different economic classes Government ownership of industry Created as a reaction to Capitalism Goal is to bring economic equality to people Classless society

6 Satellites Nations

7 United Nations Building a new world; peace keeping organization.

8 Harry S. Truman 33rd President of the United States.
Did not go to college. “The buck stops here” “If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen”

9 Truman Doctrine-1948 This document states that the United States would come to the aid of any nation that would fight communism. Informal declaration of war with Soviet Union Containment-The US will not allow the spread of communism but not interfere in countries that are already communist.

10 Containment: 1st used in Greece and Turkey
“In February 1947, the British government announced that it could no longer afford to finance the Greek monarchical military regime in its civil war against communist-led insurgents. The American government's response to this announcement was the adoption of "containment",[57] the goal of which was to stop the spread of communism.

11 The Marshall Plan 1948 This plan was to rebuild (aid) Europe.
The United States would give the money in order to stop the Communist takeover. $12-15 Billion

12 George Marshall Marshall is the only General to receive the Nobel Prize for his work on rebuilding Europe. First Secretary of the State

13 Berlin Airlift A time when United States had to airlift supplies into Berlin when Stalin closed the only road out of Berlin. Germany was divided into two parts: German Federated Republic (West Germany) German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

14 N.A.T.O North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founded by: Dean Acheson
Mutual defense pact of democratic nations.

15 Warsaw Pact Communist response to NATO
Mutual pact defense of Eastern Communist nations.

16 Election of 1948 Harry S. Truman –Democrat Thomas Dewey –Republican
Fair Deal was Truman campaign promise Thomas Dewey –Republican Dixiecrats- southern states ( white males) Strom Thurmond



19 Taft-Hartley Act This bill was passed because of strikes
Limited labor unions This bill outlawed closed shops. 60 days “cooling off period” President can issue an injunction ( court order to get back to work) Harry S. Truman vetoed the bill: "conflict with important principles of our democratic society…"

20 Mao Zedong Led the Communist in China. Took control in 1949
Red Army of million peasants. United States refused to recognized China for 30 years People’s Republic of China

21 Chiang Kai-Shek Chiang Kai Shek head of the Nationalists in China before WW II Lost his bid to rule China. Lived in exile in Taiwan

22 Korean War 1950-1953 North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.
Kim II Sung head of the Communist government in North Korea. 38 parallel line that separates North and South Korea. Security Council of the UN voted a resolution that condemned North Korea.

23 Korea South Korea Syngman Rhee leader of South Korea North Korea-
Kim II Sung

24 Douglas Macarthur General Douglas Macarthur was put in charge of the Korean War. He led the United Nations forces.


26 General Macarthur wanted to use the atomic bomb on China
“ will involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong time, at the wrong place, and with the wrong enemy” Omar Bradley “I fired him because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the President” Harry S. Truman “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away” Macarthur

27 New Weapons Helicopters for Medivac
M.A.S.H. Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (M.A.S.H.) Jets Brainwashing Napalm

28 Lessons of Korean War United Nations worked. It stopped North Korea.
No nukes were used Stalemate

29 McCarthyism A period of accusing others of being communists.
Red Scare – wanted to limit all “Communist” activities House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

30 Spies among us Ethel and Julius Rosenberg- people who supposedly sent plans for the atomic bomb to USSR They were convicted and electrocuted.

31 New Agencies in US CIA- spy organization; foreign intelligence
National Security Council- advises the President on issues of National security

32 Sputnik First man-made Satellite by the Soviets Launched in 1957
Orbited Earth every 98 minutes Size of a basketball U.S. reformed education and created NASA

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