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The Middle English Era ( )

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle English Era ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle English Era (1066-1550)
Anglo-Norman Period ( ) The Age Of Chaucer ( )

2 Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1350)
Normans Roman-Gallics Union of French & Norse

3 Lively Celtic Disposition
Progressive Latin civilization

4 Romance Language Domesday Book

5 The Conquest William the Conqueror, duke of Normandy and Master of England Battle of Hastings defeated the Saxon king Harold--end of the tribalism

6 King Harold killed William Conqueror, crowned Christmas Day, 1066

7 Last Time that England was invaded
Began Feudal Tradition and a merger between French and English cultures

8 Replaced, brought back Roman Culture
National Ideal Holy Crusades--11th to 13th Century



11 Age of Chaucer Feudalism Ballad Metrical Romance

12 Feudalism— German vieh, or “cow”

13 Contractual System—King lets out land return for service
Lord judged, taxed, commanded those below

14 Homage—servant “homme” or man of the other

15 Metrical Romance Derived from the French Hero usually a knight; Fair ladies in distress, warriors in armor, giants, dragons, enchanters, and enemies of the state

16 Evil Enemy Quest Test(s) of the Hero Supernatural Elements

17 Good vs. evil Female Figures (maidens in need of rescue, mothers, crones, or temptresses) Chivalry (Code of Honor)

18 Chivalry: A code of honor
Adherence to one’s oath of loyalty to an overlord observing certain rules of warfare adoring a particular lady

19 Supernatural or fairy event or character
Love as a prominent theme (faithful rather than courtly love)

20 Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales: Late 14th Century
Holy Crusades Thomas a Beckett: Archbishop of Canterbury ( ) Henry II

21 1163 a canon accused of murder acquitte by church court
Brought before King, Beckett pleaded for his acquittal King Henry then extends king’s court over church Beckett exiled in France for 6 years

22 Knights stab him to death
Altar sight of miracles

23 Tales--(Prologue or Frame Story/Tale)

24 Irony:a contrast or discrepancy between expectations and reality
verbal situational dramatic

25 Satire: a kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform

26 Allegory:a story in which the characters, setting, and events stand for abstract or moral concepts.

27 Fabliau is a brief comic tale in verse, usually scurrilous and often scatological or obscene. The style is simple, vigorous, and straightforward; the time is the present, and the settings real familiar places; the plots are realistically motivated tricks and ruses.

28 Breton Lay: A short romance derived from the French

29 Marie de France Short romance of between 100 and 1000 lines

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