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Climate and Weather Text pages 31 to 39.

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1 Climate and Weather Text pages 31 to 39

2 So far in this chapter, we’ve learned about:
The earth and its various layers. Landforms and how they are created

3 The other major factor of Canada’s geography that affects all Canadians and their sense of identity is our climate.

4 Important Terms Meteorology – the science of weather
Climate – patterns of weather conditions over a long period of time. Ex. In Atlantic Canada, winters are long and snowy. Weather – the weather conditions outside right now. Ex. It is windy and cold today.

5 What factors make weather?
With a partner brainstorm for a list of factors that make weather:

6 Global Factors that Influence Climate and Weather

7 Latitude How does where you live on the planet effect how you live?
Latitude = horizontal lines around the globe. Ex. Equator Areas closer to the equator get more direct sunlight than places farther away, hotter.

8 Air Masses and Winds Air masses over bodies of water or areas of land take on their characteristics. Examples: Maritime Tropical: warm water makes the air warm and moist Maritime Polar: cold water makes air cold and moist Continental Arctic: cold land makes the air cold and dry Continental Tropical: desert makes the air hot and dry Maritime = Water Continental = Land Polar = Cold Tropical = Hot

9 Jet Stream A constant prevailing wind that blows from west to east.
This stream of wind blows at an altitude of 8,000 to 15,000 feet above the earth.

10 Ocean Currents Ocean currents move warm and cool water around the world. Air temperature passing over the ocean changes with water temperature. Both form convention currents.

11 Convection Currents

12 Storms Winter storms occur when Maritime Tropical air masses clash with Continental Arctic air masses. WHY???

13 The water cycle

14 Regional Factors that Influence Climate and Weather:

15 Altitude The height of something above sea level.
Air temperature drops as altitude increases. Can you see proof in the picture???

16 Bodies of Water Water heats up more slowly than land but retains its heat for a longer period of time. In the winter, the air is warmed by open water (water that is not frozen). In the summer, cool air from the water cools the land. Example: Saint John “Fog City”!

17 Mountain Barriers Mountains are barriers that cause warm air to rise then cool down. As this air cools down, it falls as rain or snow. The windward sides of a mountain tend to be wetter than the leeward sides (the sides sheltered from the wind). Rain Shadow – the area on the leeward side of a mountain that receives little precipitation.

18 Climate Regions Text page 37
What is a climate region? An area that experiences similar weather conditions within its boundaries throughout the year. Climate is divided into 5 regions based on annual temperatures and precipitation through out the year, and the vegetation that grows there.

19 Climate Regions of Canada
A – Tropical climates Canada does not have any tropical climates B – Dry climates Can be warm or cool C – Warm, moist climates Warm, humid summers and mild winters D – Cool, moist climates Makes up 70% of Canada E – Polar climates Very cold and dry, it makes up 25% of Canada

20 Map work Color in the Climate regions of Canada
Make sure to include a legend for your colors. Refer to page 37 in text.

21 Why Seasons?

22 Extreme weather!

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