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Minerals, Electrolytes and Phytochemicals

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1 Minerals, Electrolytes and Phytochemicals

2 Minerals Most minerals become part of your body. For example, calcium becomes part of your teeth and bones. Bioavailability is the degree to which the amount of an ingested nutrient is absorbed and available to the body.

3 CAlcium Helps build bones and maintain bone strength
Regulates blood clotting, nerve activity and other body processes Green leafy veg, dairy, fish and legumes Too little: skeletal malformations, dermatitis, osteoporosis

4 Phosphorous Helps build bones and maintain bone strength
Filters waster and repairs tissues and cells Found in meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, nuts, seeds, and beans Too little: heart disease, joint pain, and fatigue

5 Magnesium Helps build bones and manufacture proteins
Helps nerves and muscles function normally Found in whole grains, leafy green veg Too little: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, seizures

6 Sulfur Helps the body digest carbohydrates, fats, and some vitamins
Makes insulin, keratin, collagen Found in onions, garlic, egg yolks, sunflower seeds Too little: arthritis, acne, convulsions, depression, memory loss, rashes

7 Iron Carries oxygen throughout the body, maintains healthy cells, skin, hair and nails Found in meat (especially liver), egg yolk Too little: anemia

8 Copper Helps body make red blood cells
Keeps nerve cells and immune system healthy, helps form collagen Found in nuts, seeds, chickpeas, liver and oysters Too much: copper poisoning

9 Zinc Needed for body’s immune system to function
Assists in cell division, cell growth, wound healing Meats, nuts, whole grains, legumes and yeast Too little can lead to hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye + skin conditions

10 Iodine Makes thyroid hormones that control body’s metabolism
Assists proper bone and brain development especially during pregnancy Found in dairy, seafood, meat, eggs Too little: enlargement of thyroid, hypothyroidism, development of disabilities in children

11 Selenium Makes antioxidant enzymes which prevent cell damage
Found in yeast, wheat germ, liver, butter, fish, shellfish, garlic, whole grains, sunflower seeds Too little: arthritis, weakened immune system

12 Iron The most common trace mineral deficiency in Canada and around the world

13 Potassium Helps regulate heart beat, helps muscles and nerves function, maintains normal blood pressure Found in bananas and oranges, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, milk products

14 Sodium Helps muscles and nerves function, regulates blood pressure
Found in table salt Too much: high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease

15 chloride Helps transmit nerve signals Found in table salt

16 Sodium People with high blood pressure should avoid sodium
To reduce sodium, avoid eating salty foods, cook your own recipes and reduce salt, experiment with other flavourings/seasonings

17 Lyocene Antioxidant that prevents cell damage Tomatoes, watermelon
Could lead to chronic diseases and cancers

18 allicin Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties
Found in garlic

19 isoflavins Exert estrogen-like effects to help the immune system
Found in soybeans

20 phytochemicals Give plants their colour, flavour and odor
Have protective benefits in humans such as reducing inflammation, speeding healing, preventing infection

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