IP and Knowledge Transfer EC activities

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1 IP and Knowledge Transfer EC activities
European Commission Research DG Patrick McCutcheon Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Why is it important to improve knowledge transfer between universities (and other public research organisations) and industry ? Because Europe is not performing well regarding the exploitation of publicly-funded research results, although such exploitation is essential to generate socio-economic benefits such as new useful products, new jobs and new companies. In today’s knowledge economy, enhancing European competitiveness requires more than scientific excellence and abundant publications, it also requires more effective links between public research and industry.

2 Overview of EC activity in IP and KT Rationales for Knowledge transfer Recent developments on KT at EC level Future activity on KT at EC level

3 IP and KT at EC level IP and “innovation-related” provisions for the Framework Programmes (to promote implementation of project + exploitation of results) IP provisions in international S&T agreements DG MARKT EC legislation on TM, copyright and (patent) DG TRADE enforcement TRIPs DG RTD knowledge transfer, open access Links with stakeholders (EPO, ASTP, ProTon, EIRMA etc.)

4 Rationale for Knowledge Transfer. General - political, economic
Rationale for Knowledge Transfer General - political, economic EC issue – EU paradox

5 Issue / challenges To increase European competitiveness in KBE, more exploitation of knowledge, more R&I to address challenges Need more knowledge transfer activities: R&D collaborations with industry licensing, in particular to SMEs creation of spin-off companies. To increase exploitation of publicly-funded R&D results by public research organisations (PROs) and higher education institutes (HEIs) performing research Effective KT requires proper management of IP by PROs and HEIs.

6 Facts & figures US (AUTM) EU (ProTon)
The EU is the world’s largest producer of scientific output ... US EU World share of scientific articles 33% 38% .. but has problems in exploiting it through patents, licenses and spin-offs. US (AUTM) EU (ProTon) Survey respondents (universities) 228 392 No. of invention disclosures 17382 4570 Priority patent applications 15115 2310 No. of options and licenses 4932 731 No. of spin-offs 628 434

7 Recent developments at EC level
ERA Green Paper (2007) – 5 initiatives Commission Communication on Knowledge Transfer (2007) German Presidency IP Charter initiative (2007) Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations C(2008)1329 of

8 2008 Recommendation Objectives :
Improve (transnational) knowledge transfer between public research organisations and the private sector Promote coherence between the national KT systems (there are strong discrepancies between national rules and practices) Contents: Policy principles addressed at public authorities Operational principles for universities and other PROs (“Code of Practice” -- Annex I) Best practice examples of policy measures (Annex II)

9 Follow-up activity Resolution of the Competitiveness Council in May 2008 Commission-MS partnership for the follow-up and monitoring of implementation of the Rec., exchange of best practices etc (ad-hoc group under CREST) MS should “Inform the Commission by 15 July 2010 and every two years thereafter of measures taken on the basis of this Recommendation, as well as their impact”

10 Current and planned activity
CREST working group EC study on monitoring KT forum of stakeholders DLA piper study,

11 Thank you http://ec.europa.eu/research/era

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