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Presentation on theme: "POSITIONING UN-HABITAT TO HELP MEET THE URBAN CHALLENGE"— Presentation transcript:

Anna Tibaijuka Executive Director UN-HABITAT Seville, October 2008

2 Sustainable Urbanisation
1996: Habitat Agenda and the Istanbul Declaration 2000: Millennium Declaration and slum improvement target 2001: Istanbul+5 and renewed commitment to Habitat Agenda 2002: “Sustainable Urbanisation” outcome of WUF I for WSSD Sanitation included as an IADG 2003/4: Flagship Reports show scale of slum growth, urban poverty and deprivation 2005: World Summit Outcome calls for slum prevention to complement slum improvement target 2005: Flagship Report on Financing Urban Shelter warns of systemic risks in over-extending housing finance 2006/7: UN-Habitat inputs to CSD show linkages between chaotic urbanisation, global warming & competing demands for land, water and energy 2008: Bali highlights sustainable urbanisation as important strategy for climate change mitigation 2008: Food, fuel and US sub-prime mortgage crises all linked to urban sustainability issues

3 Strengthening UN-Habitat
1996: Habitat II, Habitat Agenda and normative mandate 1997/8: UNCHS (Habitat) in crisis, several proposals for strengthening management and governance structure 1999: Re-vitalisation plan approved GA re-instates ED position for UN-Habitat 2001: Istanbul+5 renewed commitment to Habitat Agenda GA 56/206 elevates status of UN-Habitat and calls for its strengthening to fulfil its mandate 2002: ED of UN-Habitat becomes member of CEB 2004: Report of OIOS in-depth progammatic review calls for programme focus and alignment 2005: GC 20 calls for MTSIP 2006: UN-Habitat prepares comprehensive Plan 2007: GC endorses MTSIP, also calls for review of governance structure CPR endorses MTSIP Action Plan 2008: Implementation of kick-start phase of Action Plan Work Programme aligned with MTSIP

4 Horizoning: The Housing & Basic Services Challenge
of total Urban Population 2003 3,043,935,000 48% Estimated urban population 2030 4,944,680,000 60% Additional urban population by 2030 1,900,744,000 People needing housing & urban services by 2030 2,824,730,000 Slum Population (2001) Projected Slum Population (2030) 923,896,000 2,000,000,000 32%* 41%* * % of total urban

5 Horizoning: The Cities & Climate Change Challenge
21 of 33 of the world’s largest cities are coastal 50% increase in extreme weather events affecting cities ( ) 13% of world’s urban population lives in low elevation coastal zones 100 million people live less than 1 meter above sea level Most vulnerable are slum dwellers and urban poor Urban areas of the world’s energy Urban areas of all waste including a large portion of Green House Gas emissions

6 MTSIP: Did we get it right?
Advocacy, monitoring & partnerships Yes, with more emphasis on private sector and focused global campaign on sustainable urbanisation Participatory urban planning, management & governance Yes, with more emphasis on integrated and holistic urban planning Pro-poor land and housing Yes, with more emphasis on effective land use for all, and not just the poor Environmentally sound urban infrastructure & services Yes. Need operational partnership with UNEP and others to mainstream mitigation and adaptation in infra planning & services Strengthening human settlements financing systems Yes, with more emphasis on risk assessments and management, and on community organizations, cooperatives, etc Excellence in management Quick wins on track, must dos initiated, with more challenges ahead

7 What Next? Consolidate gains and focus on achievement of results
Further strengthen instruments for programme alignment & delivery Implement new partnership strategy and resource mobilisation strategy Set priorities for next phase of Delivering as One UN


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