THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Figs.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Figs."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Mr. Figs

4 Jeopardy Driver, Safety, & Rules Emergency Situations GDL Alcohol Drugs Rules & Regulations Other Road Users 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

5 How many passengers may accompany the holder of a validated GDL Special Learners Permit in the vehicle? A 100

6 Dependents and 1 additional person, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

7 How much is the fine for violating any of the restrictions of the GDL Permit or Probationary License? A 200

8 $100 A 200

9 What driving hours is the holder of a validated GDL permit (21 years of age or older) restricted to?

10 No restrictions apply A 300

11 If a student driver commits a traffic offense, who will the responsibility be with?

12 Responsibility will be with both student and the instructor

13 What requirements must a supervising driver for the holder of a validated GDL permit meet?

14 Be licensed (Basic License) for a minimum of 3 years
Be 21 years of age or older Be a NJ licensed driver Be licensed (Basic License) for a minimum of 3 years A 500

15 By law, you are under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood

16 .08% B 100

17 Which of the following drinks contain the highest alcohol content:
5 ounces of table wine 1 ½ ounces of whiskey (86) 12 ounces of beer B 200

18 All are equal B 200

19 What is the NJ Implied Consent Law?
B 300

20 By using NJ roadways, motorist have agreed to a Breath Test (following an arrest for a drinking and driving offense) B 300

21 If you drink and have reached a BAC of slightly above
If you drink and have reached a BAC of slightly above .05%, the risk of your causing a motor vehicle accident doubles, and at .10% the risk increases to: B 400

22 6x as great B 400

23 Whether your blood alcohol content rises above legal limits depends on:
(4 Things) B 500

24 1.) Quantity of Alcohol Consumed 2.) Body Weight
3.) How quickly drinks were consumed 4.) Food eaten B 500

25 What are high beam (bright beam) lights used for?
C 100

26 Open Country Driving C 100

27 If you come to a multi-way stop at the same time as another motorist, you must:

28 Yield to the motorist on your right.
C 200

29 Unless a no-turn on red sign is posted, NJ Law allows a right turn on red after a motorist:
(2 Answers) C 300

30 Make a full stop and checking traffic


32 You may not park within how many feet of a stop sign?
C 400

33 50 Feet C 400

34 You may not park within how many feet of a fire hydrant?
C 500

35 10 Feet C 500

36 When parking uphill on a street with a curb on your right, your wheels should be:

37 Away from the curb D 100

38 When making any turns, NJ law requires motorist to get in the proper lane and signal at least:

39 100 ft before turning D 200

40 To drive in reverse, the motorist head and body should be…

41 Turned to the right until he/she can see clearly through the back window without the use of mirrors.

42 How much braking distance will it take a vehicle to stop on a dry surface, when driving at a speed of 60 MPH? D 400

43 300 Feet D 400

44 If the driver of a large truck or bus can not see you in his rear view mirror, where is your car located? E 100

45 In the truck’s no-zone or blind spot.

46 E 200

47 E 200

48 When driving or stopping behind a large trucks or buses, what should you do?

49 Leave enough space so that the truck driver can spot you in his rearview mirror.

50 When sharing the road with large trucks or buses, what should you do?
(3 Answers) E 400

51 Give more roadway to a truck making a wide turn.
Leave more space when stopping behind a truck or bus. Maintain a consistent speed when passing. E 400

52 In adverse weather conditions, a truck takes longer to stop.
This can be as much as: E 500

53 25% More E 500

54 To avoid hydroplaning and losing control of the vehicle on a wet road surface, you should…
(2 Answers) F 100

55 Slow down and drive on the highest point of the road

56 If you go into a skid you should:

57 Take your foot off the gas pedal

58 To regain control while in a skid, you should:
F 300

59 Turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding

60 If your wheels drift onto the dirt shoulder of the road and you want to return to the paved road, you should do what: F 400

61 Slow down, and turn back onto the pavement slowly
F 400

62 If the gas pedal sticks, before calling for help, you should keep your eyes on the road and quickly do what? F 500

63 Shift to neutral and steer the vehicle off the roadway.

64 Penalties The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager.
Click on screen to begin

65 Click on screen to continue
What is the penalty for failure to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk? (5 Answers) Click on screen to continue

66 Click on screen to continue
Up to $500 fine Up to 25 days in Jail Community Service Driving Privilege suspension of up to months 2 Points Click on screen to continue

67 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By: Coach Figs and Coach Carf

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