Year 9 Technology Rotation 2

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1 Year 9 Technology Rotation 2

2 Page 1 Analysis of Design brief
To design a pop-up Christmas card made from card and paper which is attractive to young adults. The card should cost under 30,000 RP to produce and be as environmentally friendly as possible ANALYSIS OF DESIGN BRIEF. FORMAT IS: I WILL __________ TO RESEARCH THE __________ FROM MY DESIGN BRIEF Ideas are (Product disassembly, Secondary research, Interviews, Questionnaires, Visit to shops for prices, ask an expert/ company, reseach standards etc)

3 Page 2 - Secondary Research
Examples of popup cards and books Could be a photo of your own (P:\Tech-Art\KMC\Year 9 Pop up card) or from internet Examples of the 2 types of fold mechanism Look here: How to make one Look at

4 Page 3 Primary Research (Questionnaire)
Ask at least 10 questions to at least 10 people. On the following topics (which then help you write your specification): Form — how should your product be shaped/styled? Function — what is the purpose of your product? User requirements — what qualities would make your product attractive to potential users? Performance requirements — what are the technical considerations that you must achieve within your product? Material and component requirements - how should materials and components perform within your product? Scale of production and cost - how will your design allow for scale of production and what are the considerations in determining its cost? Sustainability — how will your design allow for environmental considerations?

5 Page 4 Primary Research (Analysis)
You should analyse the answers of your questions Draw graphs for some of them, remember to create a “tally chart” first like this one: DOUBLE CLICK TO OPEN

6 Choose a style of graph, either from Excel of online resources such as:
4 5 6 2

7 Look at the example of comments here
Analysis Implications

8 Page 5 - SPECIFICATION Now you will write at least one specification point in each category referring back to the appropriate part of your section 1:Usie. ing your Design Brief, Analysis of the Design Brief, Secondary Research and Primary Research Form — how should your product be shaped/styled? Function — what is the purpose of your product? User requirements — what qualities would make your product attractive to potential users? Performance requirements — what are the technical considerations that you must achieve within your product? Material and component requirements - how should materials and components perform within your product? Scale of production and cost - how will your design allow for scale of production and what are the considerations in determining its cost? Sustainability — how will your design allow for environmental considerations?

9 Page 6 and 7 – Design Ideas 2 or 3 design ideas either hand-drawn or using CAD (Google Sketchup) Label with materials, specification points and manufacturing techniques

10 Page 8 - Development Ask an expert (or 2). Make changes to you

11 Page 9 - Review Compare your ideas against the specification and say which is better Decide on a winner!

12 Page 10 final design Whol page drawing of your final design labeled with sizes, materials, how to make etc.

13 Page 11 Making Photo story of how you made your card
(remember to take photos as you go along)

14 Page 12 - Evaluation Evaluate this by doing some tests
Ask for feedback from users What about sustainability?

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