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Presentation on theme: "Non-fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-fiction

2 Prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people
Define non-fiction Prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people

3 Different type of non-fiction work
newspaper or magazine article interview academic paper biography opinion piece memoir or autobiography textbook personal essay technical manual marketing copy travel guide or travelogue press release book review

4 Non fiction features - definition
Nonfiction Text Features are the features that help a reader to navigate a Nonfiction Text more easily.

5 Non fiction features - examples
Table of Contents Labels Photograph Map Heading Side Bar Sub Heading Special Text – italics, bold, underlined Caption Index Graph, Chart Glossary Diagram

6 See additional powerpoint

7 Non fiction structures - Definition
Non-fiction text structures refer to HOW an author organizes information in an expository text. When faced with a new text, students can observe the organizational pattern of the text and look for cues to differentiate and pinpoint which of the text structures was used by the author. Students can then organize their thinking to match the structure of the text, allowing for effective comprehension of the subject matter. Take a look at the handout

8 Nonfiction Text structures
Steps in a process or a logical chain of events Sequence Similarities and differences between two ideas Compare and Contrast The impact of an event or the reasons that something happened Cause and Effect Details to elaborate on a topic Description A way to resolve a situation or a suggested course of action Problem and Solution

9 Non fiction structures Problem and solution
The author will introduce a problem and tell us how the problem could be fixed.  There may be one solution to fix the problem or several different solutions mentioned.  Real life example:

10 Real life examples Advertisements in magazines for products (problem-pain; solution-Tylenol)

11 Non fiction structures description
Although this is a very common text structure, I think it’s one of the trickiest because the author throws a lot of information at the reader (or lists facts) about a certain subject.  It’s up to the reader to determine what he thinks is important and sometimes even interesting enough to remember. Real life example:

12 Real life examples A soccer coach’s letter describing to parents exactly what kind of cleats to buy for their kids.

13 Non fiction structures sequence and order
Texts are written in an order or timeline format.  Real life examples:

14 Recipes, directions, events in history
Real life examples Recipes, directions, events in history

15 Non fiction structures compare and contrast
A text structure or pattern of organization where the similarities and differences of two or more things are explored. It is important to remember that with the compare and contrast text structure the text should be discussing similarities and differences. If the text only discusses similarities, it is only comparing. Likewise, if it only discusses ways that the things are different, it is only contrasting. The text must do both to be considered compare and contrast. Real life examples:

16 Real life examples A text that compares and contrasts two subjects, such as alligators and  crocodiles or Spanish and Italian origins.

17 Non fiction structures cause and effect
To put it another way: when an author gives reasons why something happened, he or she is explaining what caused an effect (reasons are causes and the thing that happens is the effect). Also, when a writer explains the results of an action, he or she is explaining the effects of a cause (results are effects and the thing that occurs is the cause). The cause and effect text structure is used so commonly that you have probably written a paragraph using it and not noticed. Real life examples:

18 Real life examples A text that is based off a cause and effect scenario, such as listing the causes and effects of endangered animals.

19 Signal words - definition
Signal words are the words in a text that suggest its structure.  Skilled readers use these signal words to identify and follow the text structure that the writer of the text intended.

20 Signal words - examples
Take a look at the handout

21 Non-fiction essays Narrative Writing This type of nonfiction tells a true story about a person, event or place. Sometimes this kind of nonfiction can be written in the first person, but it always involves some research on the writer’s part.

22 Non-fiction essays Expository Writing The purpose of this type of nonfiction writing is to explain or inform a reader about a certain topic. With expository writing, the reader may or may not have prior knowledge about the topic being discussed, so research is central to successfully executing expository nonfiction.

23 Non-fiction essays Persuasive Writing
With persuasive writing, the writer takes a position on an issue and argues for his or her side or against an opposing side. The writer will use facts and information to support his or her own argument while trying to influence his readers’ opinions. Normally, this kind of writing takes the form of an op-ed piece or editorial in the newspaper.

24 Non-fiction essays Descriptive Writing Descriptive nonfiction employs all five senses to help the reader get a visual of what the writer is trying to describe. Sensory language, rich details, and figurative language are methods used to achieve good descriptive nonfiction.

25 Example #1 Which of the following narrative nonfiction genres does the given statement exemplify (gives an example of)? I was born in a small town just south of Macolm, Alabama. I knew that my brother and I were destined for great things, but I never expected us to be state representatives.

26 Answer #1 Autobiography

27 Example #2 Which of the following narrative nonfiction genres does the given statement exemplify (gives an example of)?  The years that Chairman Mao converted China to communism were a trying time of life for Ji-Li. She would never thought that she would have to choose between her family and the Communist party. 

28 Answer #2 Biography

29 Example #3 Which of the following narrative nonfiction genres does the given statement exemplify (gives an example of)?  I will never forget the day that Meilser won the District Track & Field Championship. It was the most exciting day of my life.

30 Answer #3 Narrative Writing

31 Example #4 Which of the following informative nonfiction genres does the given statement exemplify (gives an example of)?  The movie Twilight displayed a combination action, romance, adventure, and suspense. The director's use of modern rock perfectly reflected the rage or tenderness of each scene. 

32 Answer #4 Persuasive

33 Example #5 Which of the following informative nonfiction genres does the given statement exemplify (gives an example of)?  Place plastic dish in the microwave for 5 minutes. Allow contents to cool for 2 minutes before eating.

34 Answer #5 Expository

35 Reading Examples Biography Speech Autobiography Diary Entry Memoir

36 Let’s play jeopardy

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