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#39 Warm UP How do you think our immune system fights pathogens like bacteria and viruses? SWBAT explain how the immune system attacks and protects against.

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Presentation on theme: "#39 Warm UP How do you think our immune system fights pathogens like bacteria and viruses? SWBAT explain how the immune system attacks and protects against."— Presentation transcript:

1 #39 Warm UP How do you think our immune system fights pathogens like bacteria and viruses? SWBAT explain how the immune system attacks and protects against pathogens by watching a video and making a graphic organizer Standards:. 5.2a Homeostasis in an organism is constantly threatened. Failure to respond effectively can result in disease or death. 5.2b Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other parasites may infect plants and animals and interfere with normal life functions. 5 MIN Take a new Warm UP stamp sheet

2 What is disease? Disease: any change, other than injury, that disrupts the normal functions of the body Causes of disease: Inherited from parents Materials in environment Personal behavior/nutrition Pathogens (bacteria, fungus, viruses) Pathogens: invade your body infectious diseases can spread from person to person

3 Video Watch for the ways that our bodies responds to pathogens
Fill in your vocab sheet with information from the video

4 How does the body defend against germs?
Pathogen gets past these defenses first line of defense: skin, tears, saliva, mucous, stomach acid White blood cell ↑ Body temperature↑ (fever) Antigens on the surface of pathogen are recognized and trigger response Pathogen gets past these defenses

5 Specific Immune Response
B-cells make antibodies that bind to the antigen Macrophages engulf clumps of bacteria or virus T-cells help the B-cells or kill infected cells Mobilization Attack Recognition Immunity

6 Immune Response

7 Steps of Immune Response
Antigens on surface of pathogen are RECOGNIZED The pathogen is then MARKED with antibodies The pathogen and/or infected cells are ATTACKED (lysed or engulfed) The body keeps MEMORY cells for future invasions

8 Immunity Vaccines are weakened or mild forms of pathogens that are injected into the body Body builds up antibodies to prepare for future attack EX: Measles, mumps, polio, flu Maternal Immunity Antibodies from mother are passed through breast milk to baby

9 Activity – Graphic Organizer
Use pages 531 in the text to help you fill in the graphic organizer. Explain what is happening at each step. Illustrate key terms and actions to help you remember what they mean. Examples: Engulf Antigen Antibodies 25 Minutes Extension: Finish Vocabulary! - DUE DECEMBER 23rd

10 Regents Practice

11 Regents Practice

12 Regents Practice

13 Summary Let’s review the answers to the Reading Comprehension

14 REGENTS PRACTICE Reflection How does the body fight against pathogens?
How do vaccines work? HOMEWORK DUE 12/23 VOCABULARY 5 minutes Give students a few minutes to think about the question. Remind them that there is no right answer and encourage them to explain it in their own words. Check task sheet while they are writing. Call on 2-3 students to volunteer answers. HOMEWORK Workbook pgs Study Island Body Systems and Homeostasis Assignment Practice Sheet

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