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Presentation on theme: "RELIABILITY OF JAPAN PROTON ACCELERATOR RESEARCH COMPLEX"— Presentation transcript:

K. Yamamoto#, K. Hasegawa, M. Kinsho, H. Oguri, N. Hayashi, Y. Yamazaki and K. Kikuchi JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-mura, Japan F. Naito, T. Koseki, N. Yamamoto, M. Yoshii and Y. Hori, KEK/J-PARC, Tokai-mura, Japan # Intro The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is a multipurpose facility for scientific experiments. J-PARC consists of three accelerators and three experimental facilities. The user operation began in December 2008. We continued the operation but encountered some accidental suspensions. We describe the major incidents and metrics. Operation status of J-PARC Neutron target failures RCS-BM oil pump failure SX septum failure Water leak of MR-inj septum Linac HVTR failure Neutron target failures RCS-BM oil pump failure SX septum failure Water leak of MR-inj septum Linac HVTR failure MTBF is dominated by the condition of RFQ Only NU operation : low duty Seemed to be gradually improved 300 kW 200 kW 500 kW -> Neutron target failures 100 kW Old RFQ After N-target failures, beam power was restricted less than 200 kW New RFQ 20 kW Earthquake Radiation accident of Hadron facility RFQ contaminated by the vacuum leak due to the earthquake Mean Time to Repair Availability Acceleration particles in RCS Mean Time Between Failure Operation status before the 2011 earthquake Operation of 2011 – 2012; Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake and HVTR failure Discharge of the thyratron in RCS extraction kicker magnet system HVTR failure and replacement Magnet displacement in linac discharge of the RFQ See Thursday evening session “Effort for the Reliable Operation in J-PARC Rapid Cycling Synchrotron” CX1193C by TELEDYNE e2v Ltd. The facilities of J-PARC were seriously damaged by the March 11 earthquake. Completed the recovery work in nine months. A high voltage transformer (HVTR) of the klystron power supply #1 was disabled. Approximately 10 days for replacement work. Cause of low availability in this period: discharge of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole linac (RFQ) and the thyratron degradation of the finemet cores in the ring (RCS and MR) RF cavity Core buckling of RF cavity in RCS Operation of 2013 – 2014; Troubles related with SX beam extraction Operation of 2015; Neutron target failures and decrease of flow rate in linac cooling water system Distortion of SX septum plate The neutron target of the MLF was broken twice during the operation of the 500 kW beam and the cooling water leaked. Radioactive material leak at the Hadron Experimental Facility Mercury target Mon201 Mon202 Plate distortion Outer shroud wall Inner shroud wall Mercury vessel Bolt Diffusion bonded surface Seal welding Water Helium Exhaust by air fans Air conditioning fans Mon203 Rad-monitors The beam spot of the gold target heated up and the gold target sublimed. Water drop The proton beam was extracted within much shorter time than in normal operations. The SX septum broke before the HD accident. Resulted in an unscheduled 3-day shutdown and the switching of the beam mode from SX to FX. Decrease in the cooling water flow of linac contributed to the downtime. We adjusted the cooling-water-flow rates at the weekly scheduled maintenance, but some flow rates still dropped unexpectedly. Finally we installed additional valves. Part of the gold target sublimed and absorbed on the vacuum window Operation of 2016; Many troubles Status of this year Vacuum leak A similar event was reported at CERN during the same time period Breakdown of helium compressor short circuit by water leak Wires snapping of SX septum A helium compressor at the neutrino beam line produced trouble The user operation suspended for about two weeks One of the electro-static septum of the SX failed We coped with this issue for about three weeks We encountered one obstacle after another in 2016. The RCS collimators was broken. Three troubles by the noise in MR (vacuum leak due to strike the miss-kicked beam, the initial failure of the new injection-septum power supply, overheating of the transformer in the anode power supply of the RF cavity) Two large short circuits in MR (at the coil of the BM and at the new transformer in the injection-septum magnet.) Snapping of wires No protection cover for small animal Secondary cooling water Primary cooling water Cooling water pump trouble in Linac Heat exchanger Purifier Deaerator Boilers A new, additional water cooling pump had been prepared during the previous summer shutdown But it was failed in Feb. Separated this failed pump from the cooling-water system and operation restarted the next day Some cooling pipes were clogged with iron particles Impeller scraped them from the casing Removed these particles in every maintenance period Large noise No noise Temp. Control tank Pump (old) Valve Before improvement After Boiler Open Initial charging circuit works just 3 minutes. However, not turned off by the noise. Finally transformer was overheated. Close Adjuster Accelerator components 3 IGBTs were broken Failure cooling pipes were clogged with iron particles Pump (new) Discussion and Summary In the eleven years since the start of the beam commissioning, Troubles due to system aging have increased. Some spare parts have become obsolete, and we cannot obtain similar new ones. Even though the manufacturer guaranteed backward compatibility, many troubles have resulted from the new system. When we install a new system, we have to pay very close attention after installation. Even if we check the stability by continuous operation for about a week in a factory or laboratory, problems often arise after installation. Thus long-term monitoring is also necessary. After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, surrounding residents have been nervous about any incident at the radiation facility. J-PARC caused a radioactive material leak accident at Hadron Facility and all facilities were shut down for 9 months. Even if it is not a radiation related accident, any minor incident in the facility that handles radiation is strictly blamed. Therefore, in order to achieve high availability, the accelerator operation must be carried out with utmost safety.


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