6th Grade ELA Presentation

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1 6th Grade ELA Presentation
January 20th , 2015

2 Goal for this presentation:
to provide you with useful information regarding Academic and PreAP/GT English Language Arts (ELA) classes

3 PreAP/GT Test into GT ELA Pure GT classes Mixed PreAP/GT

4 6th grade academic/PreAP/GT English Language Arts (ELA) is…
on the college readiness track. focused on the application of reading and writing skills. taught in a 90 minute block.

5 A Successful ELA Student:
is prepared to: read everyday. participate in the writing process. work independently and collaboratively on reading and English assignments. show mastery of skills on a variety of assessments.

6 Reading Skills Plot Structure Literary Elements Poetry analysis
Connecting similarities/differences among different genres Independent Reading (choice)and Class Novels (teacher choice) Discussion points:

7 Writing Skills The writing process : expository writing (emphasis)
personal narrative writing persuasive writing poetry analysis writing Grammar skills : (SS, predicate ,V, N, PN,Adj, Adv.) action/helping/linking verbs, predicate adjectives, object of the preposition, indefinite pronouns… sentence structures (simple, compound, complex), independent/dependent clauses Discussion points:

8 So how do you choose the best placement for your child in an ELA class
So how do you choose the best placement for your child in an ELA class? Academic or PreAP?

9 Academic ELA students…
receive more time to grasp concepts. practice skills in small groups first then complete an activity independently. receive more guided instruction while reading. *Academic class sizes are typically smaller than PreAP and G/T classes.

10 PreAP students… grasp concepts quickly and independently.
make deep connections across genres. comprehend above grade level material. initiate interest in learning new concepts.

11 For PreAP, ask yourself…
Does your child master concepts quickly with 1-2 repetitions, or does he/she need 4 or more repetitions? Does your child manage efficiently in a fast paced classroom environment? Is your child self directed, or does he/she need multiple reminders? Is your child able to make deep connections when reading?

12 Example of Reading Text
Academic PreAP/GT Excerpt from Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings: “As I sat on the steps of the boathouse, remembering, goose bumps popped up on my arms, and an awful scenario washed over me like a sudden chill, weakening my muscles and nearly taking my breath away” (Cummings 98). Excerpt from The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander: “To Taran’s ear, the melody had its own words, weaving a supple thread among the rising notes. Home, home, they sang; and beyond the words themselves, so fleeting he could not be sure of them” (Alexander 128).

13 Differentiated Reading
PreAP (mastery of previously taught skills) independent reading with deep analysis rigorous acquisition of skills above level vocabulary Academic guided/independent then deep analysis more time for acquisition of skills on level vocabulary

14 Thank you for coming tonight!

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